"Sunday is a lazy day for many people but for someone like me and Fon is not today"

My friend Fon who always busy with her works and crying for go out and release her stress but she always missed the trip with the gang. Finally, I found the right date for her. It was very good Sun(lazy) day.


7.30am is our meeting time at MRT Wat Mangkorn. I was there around 7am as I want to get some nice shots in the morning. 


And I fell the energy of people in the peaceful environment. As the traffic not start yet so there were only people come out for walk and run for exercise.


I got my drink from Starbuck next to the MRT station and waited for Fon.


Finally, she arrived and got her drink but before we start the tour Fon asked me to wait for few minutes. She is a person who can pray anytime anywhere. And today while she doing her routine at Starbuck I kept sitting quiet for and immediately I herd someone say "how much you want to top up your card". Fon also immediately answer 200. Her concentrate skill is high level. 


We moved out to get light breakfast at local food stall close to Mangkorn road.


This is my first time here but Fon was big fan. The small food stall with the table and chairs set on another side of small street. Food is what environment and prices cannot judge the taste, it’s true.


We ordered clear soup with pig offal. And a Chinese dessert called “Jook Bi”, a steam sticky rice with black bean and dip with sweet black sauce. This is also my first time with this dessert, taste is not bad but I do not like sticky rice so I just tried only 1 piece and the rest belong to Fon.


After breakfast we both were full with energy for full day trip, then we walked along the Ratchawong road heading to the pier. And on the way I got this grilled dried pork. Very delicious.


We reached to the pier and the long tail boat which I was booked waiting for us there. 


The captain’s name “Loong Dang” (Loong is Thai word = uncle). Thai call people who have similar age with our farther “Loong”.


We started our Klong Tour around 8.30am from Ratchawong pier closet to China Town and heading to the small canal near Wat Arun to Bangkok Yai canal.


I like canal tour and tried many times with difference routings.


This time we passed Bang Luang community where there are the local shops and small restaurant which open at their own house. 


The area is not a market just people open their house to be a shop and sell their products.


Loong Dang was so kind to stop at the pier and give us time for walk along the canal (for shopping).


And this is the first thing attacked me. I really love Thai dessert.


Fon tried some skirt and she bought one.


We spent around 20 minutes there talking with local people. They are really friendly and welcome tourist.


We left Bang Luang and heading along the canals to Bangkok Noi. As it was almost lunch time and Fon need some drink.


We reached to the place which I marked on itinerary to visit this time “CHANN” Bangkok is a small boutique hotel close to Chao Phraya River where there is nice relax area and open for visitor who do not stay overnight.


I like wooden furniture so I really like this place.


But Fon enjoyed with other thing


And with location for her profile picture(s)


We spent around 40 minutes there, enjoy lychee green tea low sugar. We were too full by water so we can not try any bakery there.


We left CHANN around 12.00hrs. Loong Dang came to pick us and took us the River City Pier.

It was only half way of the day tour today.

Reached to River City we both realized that we do not have enough cash to pay for boat rental. Fon ran to get money at ATM machine while I was with Loon Dang.

Life now is too easy now a day. We can pay by mobile banking, QR code so sometimes we forgot to check our cash before we go out.


We paid to Loong Dang but before we left the River city pier there was a security staff who was standing with us since we arrived led us to the counter. At the beginning I was curious but when we reached to the counter then I realized that we have to pay for the fee as the pier which we got off from the boat is private pier not public pier. New information.

We finally left the pier and start with another half of day trip. After sat on long tail boat and relax at café now time to walk.


But before we take long walk we stop by at a nice antique place “Patina” is a café which turned a very old house to be small gallery and café. 


I passed this place many time but never try their drink.


Inside the old house is very nice. I like this kind of the place.


We order drink again, mine is butterfly pea mix with something good smell. It was good refreshing drink.


After finished our drinks then we started walking in to "Talad Noi" look for location to get good shots, for her.


I like antique place as we can imagine the history


And I think Fon is look nice in the middle of antique place

Around 10 minutes walk from Patina cafe, there is a small hostel at the corner name "PhotoHostel" with only 3 rooms with the relax space on the ground floor. The red big door always open for visitor.


They welcome for both visitor who just want to experience overnight or just visit for some drink and relax and shopping.


Fon is second type.


She got new item. And not only one

There are some people who can buy similar item just if it has some small difference details.


We left PhotoHotel with many nice shots as I was with super model and we were only 2 so instead of being in the picture I preferred to take it.


Not far from PhotoHostel, there is another new and look nice café in blue. There are many foreigners come to this café but we were too full with water so we passed this one.

But before we left, Fon wanted to have nice picture with her new item.

We continue walking and heading to China Town. But we were planed to walk on Songwad Road which located behind China Town road as I like this road so much.

We were at the beginning of the road and Fon shown me the vegetarian restaurant which we came last time.


We stop by as I also want to try vegetarian food.


The small restaurant with 5 tables


The owner greeting us by herself and recommend menu for us. Even we were full from drink but we excused by no meat no fat….


We order 2 dishes

This one look like mix teriyaki meat but actually all are vegetarian.

And this one is a spicy salad with some part of tofu. I like this one so much

All food here are suite for vegetarian, vegan, and all meat free people but do not worry about carbohydrate as main ingredient are from bean

Prices are not expensive when compare with quality and taste

If you are vegetarian or even if you just want to try vegetarian menu which keep good taste and good for your health then you should try this restaurant.


We left the restaurant and continue walking on Songwad road.

We were thing that we were too full then no need any food and drink anymore.



We were attacked by this café. From outside look small and simply but when we walked inside. The capacity can be up to 100 persons with 3 floors.


I like the place and Fon also want to sit and relax. Then I decided to order a drink (again) It is passion fruit blend with ice and top with wild honey. I like the taste


We spent around 30 minutes there until I finished my drink and then we started walking again.


I though that our last stop should be in China Town area but we stopped again at “FV café”. I visit this place with another friend and I like it so I took Fon inside.

There are some more furniture and decorations but still keep the black never-ending stairs.


My super model got another shot.


We order some drink and desserts.


 They served some dried fruit to try. And Fon really this one.


She wanted to buy for her mom but sad that they are sold out


It was 4.3pm but we still did not reach to China Town yet. We left FV café and walked along small short cut street which can link to China Town.


Finally, we reached China Town, the are which we start our Sun(lazy) day. It was 5pm which is good time to end our day tour.


China Town in the morning is totally difference with evening. We say good bye each other and I sent Fon on Taxi to go home.

Before got on taxi, I have something popup in my mine. We have many choices to release our stress because now people concentrate more and more on their works. People addict to work hard and sometimes they forgot to turn of and safe their battery of life.


I chose to go out as often as possible because I believe that even just we move from place to another place we can change our mood and feeling like we refresh our internet browser to make computer run faster. And after we defragged our mind then we can restart again without any stress or if it still there it should be very less. 
