
The first travel review of the year from 1twenty2 is not from anywhere but....

It's like going back to the place where I used to walk on the white, fine sand that felt like powder 3 years ago...

The place where I had to shout "wow" out loud when I looked up from the boat to the island. What could be so clear and white like that?

That's right... there's no other island in the southern sea of our country that's as hot and talked about as "Koh Tachai" right now.

From the first time I went, anyone who has read through my review (I can't find My Kratoo myself, I'm not familiar with the new Pantip yet, so I'd like to ask for permission to use the link from the blog instead. http://blog.one22.com/?p=4552 ) You may remember that there is an island that made me dream that the Thai sea is as beautiful and magnificent as any other in the world.

This is another trip back, and of course, this time I got to meet and discover new tourist attractions and good friendships from fellow travelers. Along with the most impressive service, no less than 3 years ago. How will it be? Let's take a look.


For this trip, we are still using the home airline of 1twenty2.

As always, Air Asia took us on a quick flight, making good time.

This is my first trip back to Don Mueang, the oldest airport in Thailand, after many years. I was excited to be back. Images from the past flooded back, mixed with some unfamiliar sights due to the renovations of this former national airport.

Today we chose Hot Seat for convenience and speed, both for boarding and disembarking. The seats are comfortable, and what I really like is that you get to board the plane before anyone else, so it's nice and spacious.


This time, we stayed at Ramada Resort Khao Lak after the plane landed at Phuket Airport. The hotel sent a car to pick us up. I'll write a separate review of the accommodation later. For now, let's continue our journey. I'm happy to do so.

You're traveling a bit slow, still fumbling around with the new Pantip, aren't you?

Miss Mueng Li, please swipe left or right as you wish. I apologize if it's a bit slow. ^ ^


Travel (Thanks to the travel map from the Love Andaman website.)

To get there, you must purchase a tour package, which is offered by several companies in both Phang Nga and Phuket. However, it is recommended to start your journey from Phang Nga as it is closer and will save you both tour costs and travel time.

Passengers can board the boat at Thap Lamu Pier, located in the Thaimuang District, 70 kilometers from the city center. This pier is the closest to the Similan Islands National Park. The journey from Thap Lamu Pier to Koh Tachai takes approximately 3-4 hours. For more information, please contact the Similan Islands National Park at 93 Moo 5, Thap Lamu Village, Lam Kaen Subdistrict, Thaimuang District, Phang Nga Province 82210. Phone: 0 7642 1365 (On-shore office: 0 7659 5045).


Or, if you're coming with Love Andaman Tour, they have their own pier near Ban Nam Khem.

This will bring the journey even closer, shortening the travel time on the boat. If I remember correctly, it will be called "Tha Ruea Le Thai".

If you are interested in going with this place, you can inquire about travel details and other information here. www.loveandaman.com

The picture shows a brand new boat that just started its first day today. Our group is the first group to experience it, so everything is new and safe. Thank you, Nainame. It's been a long time since we last met. ^ ^



Before the trip, there was an introduction to the island we were going to and the distribution of various equipment, including instructions on how to get on the island and how to play in the sea properly without harming nature unknowingly. This was very helpful. The Love Andaman team itself was friendly and very good at explaining and answering questions.

And if anyone wants to know more about Koh Tachai, I won't explain it anymore. Because I already told you about it in the first review 3 years ago. You can go back and watch and read it from the link above.


Even though this is the second time, I can't help but feel excited about it.

Will everything remain beautiful and stay the same as before?

The closer we got to the island, the more excited we became, so we took some pictures on the boat. ^ ^


In no time at all, the most beautiful island I had ever visited in Thailand appeared before me and the team that was with me.

I still remember my first visit vividly. Now, the old images are clear again.


For this trip, there is also snorkeling around the island. It's time to get in the water!

Before going down, there was another rehearsal and wearing a life jacket to ensure that you can really play in the water safely.


Ready for everything, just give a thumbs up like this ^___^

These two are really something, carrying their surfboards just for the photoshoot.

I hope you get some beautiful and impressive pictures to take back with you, because today the sea is very cooperative. ^ ^


After a quick dip in the water, it was time to finally set foot on the island. The sun was blazing hot today, but thankfully there were some clouds. Even so, the sea in front of us was still breathtakingly beautiful.

Both the sandy beach and the crystal-clear water are just like that.

Wherever I look, it's so white and beautiful. ^ ^ Sigh... I'm so happy. Thank you for stopping by to say hello. I really miss you, you dreamer girl next door.

Have a pleasant journey, Mr. Sorbonne. May the weather be good throughout your trip.



An unknown island, so white, so long, so beautiful...Ahem, what I wrote refers to the beach, don't think too much >_<

The island's main selling point is undoubtedly its breathtaking 700-meter-long beach, stretching as far as the eye can see. Its beauty is so captivating that you'll find yourself squinting to take it all in.


Some of the tour group members who had come ashore were still sitting in the shade of the trees, talking to those who had suffered minor injuries.

While diving, I accidentally got a small cut from a boat propeller.

The tour team rushed to help treat the wound, but the little one was still determined to continue diving. Amazing!


The sea is beautiful on a sunny day like this, it's even more beautiful.

Finally, before heading inside to find delicious food,

The tour guide has already prepared the place for us. Thank you as well, Mr. Porsak, for always stopping by to say hello and travel with us.



The food is ready and everything is well taken care of by the tour staff.


After a satisfying meal, it's time to explore the island. At this point, the group will be divided into two. Those who are interested in continuing to dive can board the boat again. For those who no longer want to dive, a team will take them on an island exploration. The route will be divided into two paths: one will take you to a viewpoint behind the island, and the other will take you into the forest to see the "chicken crab," a crab that lives in abundance on the island. The latter will wait for the diving group to return and then go together.

viewdeejang is not allowed to stay overnight, which is a good thing that makes the nature still abundant as you can see. Therefore, the trip is only a morning and evening return.



Of course, I choose to stay on the shore to see the viewpoint because I've never been there before. Come on, follow me.


On the way, we even took some photos to relieve our fatigue, which was a good way to take a break. >_<

Hike up the mountain to the back of the island. The walk is tiring, but it's not too difficult. You'll break a sweat, but it's a good workout.


We're here! The team of explorers, from various generations, had a lot of fun and laughter along the way. I believe that hardship truly fosters friendship. ^__^

The view at the end of the island is beautiful and magnificent. This is the point where scuba divers must stop to dive and see the sharks, and there is always a chance to see them.

It's a shame I can't scuba dive, otherwise I would have had the chance to experience the underwater world up close like them.


The scenery is so beautiful that you wouldn't think we were in Thailand.



We had a great time taking pictures here. We were all tired but we had a lot of fun together.

Or maybe it's all together and of course the nature in front of us is really great. Everyone is taking pictures, it seems. sujin_korn is very welcome.



After a while, I suddenly met Jack Sparrow in person. He arrived without saying a word and stood in the sun with his hands spread out as you can see. He was from another tour group that also stopped by this viewpoint to admire the scenery.


After enjoying the view in front of me, it's time to go back.

Before leaving, we didn't forget to take a picture together as usual. We got close to this group of people very quickly and had a lot of fun and laughter.


Before returning, if anyone has the opportunity to go, they will notice piles of stones stacked on top of each other. Don't be surprised.

There is a story that has been passed down that if you come to this point and stack the stones as high as possible and make a wish, it will come true.

As a result, many people have tried to stack the stones as high as possible.

Let's try it out. It will definitely make this area more charming. It's not over yet. I'll continue later in the evening.

Let's explore the island together. Now, let me take care of some business for a while. Relax and enjoy the view. I'm back! Let's continue our tour. Let's go all the way to the end.



It's time to go into the forest to find "crabs". The nature trail will be a walk into the forest to reach the other side of the beach. The distance is not far, about 300 meters, and it's easy to walk. Oh, I forgot to mention that walking on this island is done barefoot. The tour will keep our shoes for us before we get on the island, so you can rest assured that it will be clean and you can walk around the whole island.


The chicken crab is a freshwater crab that can be found in forests and near water sources. It is easy to find on the islands of the Andaman coast.

From my own experience, I've only ever found this on Koh Tachai. It's truly one of the island's unique charms.


That's right, and if you're lucky, you might even see a big crab with large claws come out to greet you like this.


The most important thing is that our team members are always having fun together, as if they have known each other for a long time. We laugh all the way. They are all taking pictures of the crabs. Looking at them, I feel a little sorry for the crabs. Do they know how much of a celebrity they are? ^_^"


Emerging from the forest, we were greeted by a pristine white sand beach.

The crystal-clear turquoise water is so stunningly beautiful that it's almost surreal.


The end of the beach is a large rock that we can climb up.


After a short while, the guide came to pick us up. Time in heaven is truly short.


We walked back together, swaying slightly. Some couples were so happy they were practically glowing (I'm jealous ><).

But still, I can't help but take pictures of the sea, which is so crowded. How can we not JUMP together?

Jump with all your might ( ^___^ )


It's time to go home after having fun.

The clouds look thick from afar, there's a chance of rain on the way back.


I myself came this time and still secretly regret wanting to have time to capture the evening view of this place once, but it would be difficult because every tour group will take tourists back to the shore before evening.


Returning this time, what I really found new was the nature and the trees that have grown significantly. For example, the bench that was once tied to a tree by the beach is now gone. This is because the branches of the tree are now full of leaves and flowers, indicating the care and attention given by the forest officials on the island.

This includes tour companies that will guide all tourists to understand and be mindful not to destroy nature, both knowingly and unknowingly. This is evident from the Love Andaman tour, which constantly informs and guides us, demonstrating a genuine concern that complements their love of service.

And I can't forget to thank all my friends who came to say hello. Thank you very much for helping to make my first post of the year not too lonely.

Thank you Pantip for the space of happiness that you have shared all along.

Without you, I wouldn't be who I am today. Thank you for all the criticism and praise. I'm sure we'll see each other again next year.

If you've read this far and haven't been there yet, please don't ask if it's worth going or if you should go. What you should really be asking is when you can book your flight tickets as soon as possible (seriously, trust me, I'm not kidding!!!). Because no matter what you ask, I can still confirm and assure you that it is the number one island. I have to give two thumbs up to the fact that it has the most beautiful beaches and sea in Thailand right now.

If you've been there and still don't believe what I'm saying, come and see for yourself. In the end, you and I will probably agree that... Thai seas are as beautiful as anywhere in the world. Really. Before I leave, I must thank www.loveandaman.com for taking us and the team back to this little paradise on earth called "Koh Tachai".
