Nestled in the mountains of Mae Hong Son, Ban Rak Thai is a picturesque village that feels like stepping into another world. Known for its serene beauty, rich cultural heritage, and exquisite tea plantations, this village offers a unique experience for travelers seeking tranquility and a taste of authentic Thai culture. My journey to Ban Rak Thai was an unforgettable adventure filled with breathtaking landscapes, warm hospitality, and delightful culinary experiences.


The Journey Begins

Starting from Chiang Mai, the road to Ban Rak Thai winds through lush forests and steep mountain passes. The drive itself is an adventure, offering stunning views of mist-covered valleys and quaint hillside villages. The journey took about six hours, with several stops along the way to stretch my legs and capture the scenic beauty with my camera. Each turn revealed new vistas, making the drive both exciting and meditative.


Arrival in Ban Rak Thai

As I approached Ban Rak Thai, the landscape transformed into a scene straight out of a storybook. The village, perched on the edge of a tranquil lake, is surrounded by rolling hills covered in tea plantations. The air was crisp and cool, a welcome change from the tropical heat of the lowlands. The village itself is a charming blend of Thai and Yunnanese influences, with traditional wooden houses, tea shops, and cozy guesthouses lining the narrow streets.


Exploring the Village

Ban Rak Thai, which means "the Thai-loving village," was established by Chinese nationalist soldiers who settled here after the Chinese Civil War. The cultural fusion is evident in the architecture, cuisine, and daily life of the villagers. I spent my first afternoon wandering through the village, visiting tea shops and sampling the local teas. The village is famous for its oolong tea, which is grown in the surrounding hills. Each cup was a revelation, with subtle flavors that spoke of the mountain air and rich soil.


Tea Plantation Tour

One of the highlights of my trip was a guided tour of the tea plantations. Walking through the neatly trimmed rows of tea bushes, I learned about the meticulous process of growing, harvesting, and processing tea. The tour guide, a local farmer, shared stories of his family's history and the pride they take in their craft. I even had the chance to pick some tea leaves myself, which was a surprisingly therapeutic activity.


The Magic of the Misty Morning

One of the most enchanting experiences in Ban Rak Thai is witnessing the sunrise over the mist-covered lake. Early one morning, I woke before dawn to join a small group of villagers on a traditional Chinese wooden boat. These boats, with their curved wooden hulls and elegant designs, added an air of timeless beauty to the serene landscape.


As we glided across the still waters, a thick mist rose from the lake, creating an ethereal atmosphere. The only sounds were the gentle lapping of water against the boat and the occasional call of a distant bird. The mist swirled around us, shrouding the surrounding hills and tea plantations in a mysterious veil.


As the first light of dawn began to break, the sky was painted with hues of pink, orange, and gold. The sun's rays slowly pierced through the mist, illuminating the water and casting a magical glow over the village. It was a sight to behold—the wooden boats drifting gracefully on the mirror-like surface of the lake, with the village and mountains emerging from the mist in the background.

Culinary Delights

No visit to Ban Rak Thai is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. The food here is a delightful blend of Thai and Yunnanese flavors, featuring hearty soups, fragrant rice dishes, and, of course, tea-infused recipes. Some of the must-try dishes include:

  • ขาหมูยูนนาน (Yunnan-style Pork Leg): A succulent and flavorful dish where the pork is slow-cooked until tender and served with a rich, savory sauce.
  • หมั่นโถวชาเขียว (Green Tea Mantou): Steamed buns infused with the subtle aroma of green tea, offering a unique twist on a traditional favorite.
  • ผัดผักออสุน (Stir-fried Wosun): A simple yet delicious vegetable dish, stir-fried with garlic and soy sauce, highlighting the fresh, crisp flavors of chayote shoots.
  • ไข่ต้มใบชา (Tea Leaf Boiled Eggs): Hard-boiled eggs simmered in a tea-infused broth, absorbing the delicate flavors of the tea leaves.

One memorable meal was at a small family-run restaurant overlooking the lake. I enjoyed these local dishes, accompanied by a pot of freshly brewed oolong tea. The meal was a perfect reflection of the village's cultural heritage—comforting, flavorful, and deeply satisfying.


My journey to Ban Rak Thai was a journey of discovery and delight. From the winding mountain roads to the tranquil lake and lush tea plantations, every moment was filled with wonder. The village's unique blend of cultures, warm hospitality, and natural beauty left a lasting impression on me. If you seek an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life, Ban Rak Thai offers a serene retreat where time seems to slow down, allowing you to savor each moment and create memories that will last a lifetime.


Whether you're a tea enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply in search of a peaceful getaway, Ban Rak Thai in Mae Hong Son is a destination that promises to enchant and inspire.
