NooJo Art and Farm


by Seally-Go-Round

Once upon a time, in a land far away . . .

A tranquil haven embraced by nature, inhabited solely by a couple and their five mixed-breed dogs, alongside feathered companions who diligently provide protein for all.

We define the land called 'NooJo Art and Farm' as 'a land of self-sufficiency'.

NooJo Art and Farm is located in Samut Songkhram Province, not far from Amphawa. Only two people reside there.

One of them is Joe.

A young artist, passionate about all forms of art, including sculpting, woodworking, and other crafts. Joe dedicates his days to creating the crafts he loves.

The other person is พี่หนู, Joe's wife, who is passionate about books and needlework.

The two of them lived a simple life here.

The household is comprised of a gang of Dog Rangers, with the five members bearing Japanese names: Muji, Mari, Shimaru, Kumamon, and Tamago.

Accompanied by a flock of quacking ducks, led by the goose and the egg-laying hens in the coop.

All members lived together happily until one day, two strangers arrived on a day of torrential rain.

The arrival of the unexpected guests provided a clue to Joe and Mouse about their purpose for visiting, as communicated through Airbnb, the platform they used to receive updates on the arrival of strangers interested in exploring the NJAAF house.

... As two strangers arrived in their cars while the rain continued to pour down.

The NJAAF territory was eerily silent, as if no one was around. A stranger stepped out of a car and approached a closed barn.

The super-powered dog Rangers, with their exceptional hearing, were unfamiliar with the strange sounds, so they barked in unison, their voices echoing through the door.

Suddenly, Joe, who was engrossed in his sculpting work, opened the door and greeted the visitors with a friendly smile. The five Dog Rangers rushed out, barking in unison and circling the unfamiliar man and woman. Fortunately, both visitors were dog lovers, so the enthusiastic welcome from the four-legged guardians did not cause them the slightest alarm.

Joe emerged and swiftly led the two strangers through the drizzling rain towards the house beneath the roof, a place reserved for welcoming unfamiliar visitors from all corners of the world.

NJAAF is a truly simple and peaceful land, devoid of any amenities. Visitors are aware in advance that their trip will not include comfortable accommodations with soft beds, air conditioning, televisions, refrigerators, bathtubs, or high-speed internet, as they may have experienced in other tourist destinations.

. . . However, everyone who intentionally visits this location does so solely to experience the fundamental simplicity of human existence.

Joe led the two strangers to a room under the roof, where only a mosquito net and a mat awaited them for the night.

Crack!!! . . . A loud noise suddenly struck the roof.

"Heads up!" Joe shouted, "The ceiling is low here, like an attic. Watch your heads, I've bumped mine a few times myself."

It seems too late. The sound of the visitor's head knocking on the roof has already happened. 😊

The two strangers, having secured their belongings, immediately set out to explore the territory of NJAAF, despite the persistent drizzle.

The rainy season, which many people may not enjoy, some might even say it's messy, but the flock of quacking ducks and the geese don't think so.

Reveling joyfully in the refreshing rain.

The natural atmosphere during the rainy season is incredibly refreshing and invigorating.

As the strangers admired the natural beauty, they caught sight of a unique and simple pavilion in the middle of the water. Intrigued, they approached it for a closer look.

A pavilion with walls made of adobe, pierced with openings to resemble a large picture frame containing a natural landscape. But the view is more breathtaking than an ordinary scenic picture because ... the view is moving!!!

The image is like a four-dimensional picture. The lush green trees, the gentle breeze, the falling rain, the flying birds... It's a living picture frame!

As they sat by the waterside pavilion, admiring the vibrant nature paintings within the living picture frames, a question arose: "Where could Joel be? He seems to have vanished."

The visitor asked, "What are you doing, Joe?"

Joe smiled and replied, "I'm currently busy creating new artwork for an upcoming event called 'Home and Garden Fair' at the end of this month. I'm dedicating most of my time to this project."

Visitor: Are we interrupting your work, Joe?

Joe, with a smile on his face, glanced over his glasses as he continued to shape the clay cup. "No, not at all. Please, come and join me," he said.

As the visitor approached Pijo, the Dogs Rangers narrowed their eyes and growled, particularly Muji and Mari, the two elder dogs who were fiercely protective of their territory.

The visitor slowly approached, telling the five rangers, "Let me talk to your father, children. We come in peace. We love dogs."

The Rangers fell silent, but remained seated in a circle around Joe, their eyes fixed on the stranger with a low murmur in their throats.

The conversation between Joe and the visitor began, with both exchanging life experiences. The conversation flowed smoothly as Joe and the stranger shared similar perspectives.

Before settling in the NJAAF territory, Joe had a diverse range of experiences. He worked in Bangkok, opened a coffee shop in Amphawa, volunteered in the mountains, and even lived in Japan with his partner, Mouse, for almost a year. Japan may have been the source of inspiration for both of them, leading to the creation of the NJAAF territory.

After a while, the Dog Rangers began to doze off, lulled into a false sense of security that the strange man and woman posed no threat. Seizing the opportunity as each dog drifted into slumber, the visitor stealthily made their way to the barn to view the artwork created by Joe. The barn, unlike others used for storing agricultural produce, was intended as an art gallery.

Joe is passionate about all kinds of handmade art, including carpentry, woodworking, and pottery. He is particularly fond of cups, bowls, and other vessels. Most of Joe's work is inspired by his surroundings, including the NJAAF region and his five mischievous Dog Rangers.

All wood carving work

Clay work

Wrought ironwork

And what we all hold dear . . . ' King Rama IX ' The monarch who inspired us to live a life of sufficiency.

Her elder brother is involved in bookselling and clothing, as well as sewing and embroidery, which are art forms she loves and enjoys.

While their artistic styles differ, both artists create handcrafted works, meticulously crafted by hand.

"I believe in self-reliance."

During their conversation, Joe remarked that their travels had opened their eyes to the need for societal change in their home country. However, they acknowledged that as individuals with limited power and influence, they were unable to drive or implement such large-scale societal development.

The most effective way to improve society is to begin with self-transformation.

"While societal change is a daunting task, individual transformation is a more attainable starting point."

In this additional sentence, Joe articulates a key principle underlying the establishment of the NJAAF kingdom: a self-sufficient existence amidst nature, independent of external influences. This concept stands in stark contrast to the values of a capitalist-driven world, posing a challenge to the understanding of those accustomed to such a system.

As the rain subsided, the cool air carried the fragrant scent of damp earth. The visitor politely excused themselves from the barn, allowing Joe to fully immerse himself in his artistic creation.

The Dog Rangers are gradually becoming accustomed to the presence of strangers. The five dogs ran to the center of the water pavilion and began to warm up to the unfamiliar individuals.

Specifically, Tamagotchi and Kumamon, who appear to be friendlier than the others.

The eldest, Muji, maintained his imposing presence as the formidable local leader.

Visitors sat on the pavilion by the river, quietly observing the slow movements of nature. How long had it been since they had lived such a still, slow life?

How long has it been since I last sat and watched the birds fly from branch to branch?

The fish snaps at the bait on the water's surface.

The cool breeze and the scent of rain lulled my eyes closed, and I drifted off to sleep.

Moments later, the Dogs Rangers rushed to the front of the house. The sound of a car driving up announced the arrival of none other than Brother Mouse.

The five ranger dogs' voices awakened the visitor from their reverie, prompting them to rise and greet the other homeowner who had just returned from running errands outside. Ms. Nu greeted them with a friendly smile, but no one was as happy as the pets who had gathered to welcome their mother's return. The dogs, ducks, geese, and chickens all seemed to know that when their mother returned, it was time for their evening meal.

A heartwarming image captures the bond between humans and animals, showcasing a visitor's gentle smile as they observe the interaction.

After ensuring the well-being of their household members, the housekeepers resumed their daily routines. Their lives, mirroring each other's, blurred into a monotonous cycle, days indistinguishable from nights.

As dusk descends, the sky darkens, and tranquility envelops the surroundings. The little birds return to their nests, and the ducks waddle into their slumber. The only sounds that remain are the faint croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets, preventing the night from becoming utterly silent.

The sky tonight is brighter than usual due to the full moon. Amidst the cool air of the rain-soaked trees and grass, the atmosphere lulls the two visitors into an unconscious slumber.

zzzZZZzzZZ . . .

As dawn broke, the sky was still dark.

The weather is pleasantly cool, without the need for air conditioning. The natural breeze in the early morning is so refreshing that it makes it difficult to wake up.

The rooster's crowing, "Cock-a-doodle-doo," echoed through the air, marking the start of a new day. The sound was loud enough to wake the visitor who was sleeping soundly in the attic room, causing them to stir and search for the source of the noise.

Suddenly, a strange creature ran into the mosquito net, startling the visitor awake. Peering through the net, they saw something moving and twitching.

The rooster crows, announcing the arrival of a new day.

Not only Kumamong, but also the five Dog Rangers are present under the guest house.

The morning air at NJAAF is still peaceful, with the sound of birds chirping as they fly out to forage for food.

Every day, like clockwork, Brother Joe wakes up and takes care of the household chores.

This morning, our host has taken on the role of a bakery chef, diligently baking bread to serve as breakfast for our visitors.

The NJAAF kitchen is remarkably simple, lacking even basic amenities like gas stoves and microwaves.

Visitors wonder, "What do they use to cook with?"

"Here, we use firewood for cooking," my aunt explained.

...Firewood stove!!!

Cooking with a wood-fired oven is no easy feat. Visitors stood in awe as Ms. Nu kneaded the bread dough.

Guarded by Muji, Mari, and Tamago, who were lying in wait around them.

Brother Joe let Mother Goose and the flock of ducks waddle outside to play.

After the flock of ducks waddles out of the coop, Joe will collect the duck eggs to use as ingredients for breakfast for today's visitors.

The sound of quacking ducks.

Brother Kai, Brother Mouse, and Brother Joe have a source of high-quality protein from happy ducks and chickens that live naturally, providing an abundance of eggs to collect and eat.

With the duck eggs safely gathered, it was time for Joel to tackle the garden.

In addition to carbohydrates from homemade bread, protein from duck and chicken eggs, now it's time for some leafy greens.

The small vegetable patch beside the pavilion by the river has become a source of high-quality vitamins for P'Jo, who grows and harvests it daily. Fresh, clean, and chemical-free salad greens can be easily produced by our own hands.

Auntie Nu asked the visitors if they were hungry, saying that she would wait for the bread to finish baking. The visitors replied that they were not very hungry, but they were secretly excited and eager to see the homemade breakfast. They could barely wait any longer.

While waiting for the arrival of P'Nu and P'Joe, who were preparing breakfast, the visitor sat and played at the pavilion by the water with Tamago and Shimaru, the two rangers who seemed to make friends easily. They tried to get friendly with the visitor.

Despite their fierce appearance,

We have become close friends, as if we have known each other for a long time.

Left to their own devices, the two would often play together. In reality, Tamago, Shimaru, and Kumamon are siblings, all born to the same mother, Mari. However, they are very different siblings.

The weather is pleasant today, with gentle sunshine and no rain.

The little birds flew out to play joyfully.

While waiting for breakfast, visitors took this time to breathe in the fresh morning air, so good that they almost fell asleep again.

The aroma from the wood-fired stove began to waft, drawing the visitor to the kitchen.

Joe is cooking hamburgers and star-shaped eggs on a wood-fired stove.

Freshly picked salad greens from the kitchen garden by the riverside pavilion.

Just in time for the freshly baked bread.

After Chef Noom and Chef Joe finished cooking, they arranged the dishes and served them. The handmade breakfast menu prepared by Chef Noom and Chef Joe is now ready to be served.

Visitors hold plates of homemade breakfast, sitting together at the pavilion by the water, with Tamago keeping them company.

Today's visitors enjoyed a homemade breakfast set, consisting of freshly baked soft bread by Chef Nu, along with a juicy hamburger and sunny-side-up egg, accompanied by a fresh vegetable salad drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette. Freshly brewed coffee and a ripe papaya, picked straight from the tree, completed the meal as a sweet ending.

This meal is both filling and satisfying. It is a complete breakfast with all five food groups, made from ingredients grown in the NJAAF, a land of true self-sufficiency.

Two best friends, Chimaru and Tamago, guarantee the deliciousness.

After breakfast, the visitors began packing their belongings and preparing to continue their journey to other lands.

Before departing, the visitor chatted with Brother Mouse and Brother Joe for a while. When it was time to leave, Brother Mouse and Brother Joe rushed to bring out the gifts they had prepared for the visitor to take home.

A large bag of freshly collected duck eggs from the coop of Brother Duck, carefully lined with straw. This bag of eggs will surely provide sustenance for many days.

Joe rushed to the shed and grabbed a handmade postcard. The picture on it was none other than Muji and Marin.

Joe presented a postcard with a self-drawn picture, explaining that the picture depicted the dormitory building. He recounted that whenever he opened the door after moving in, the two dogs would always run out just like in the picture. Joe's voice was filled with joy as he shared this memory.

Visitors beamed with delight at the heartfelt gifts, sparking joy for both the giver and receiver. ^^

The time has come for the visitors to start their car and slowly move out of the NJAAF territory gate. Looking through the rearview mirror, Big Joe, Big Mouse, and the Dog Rangers stand to see the visitors off until they leave the territory.

Now, Brother Mouse, Brother Joe, and the visitor have transformed from strangers into comrades, firmly believing that . . .

"Self-reliance is the path to a peaceful life."


Before we part, Tamagotchi has some good advice for you:

** **

"Self-reliance simplifies your complex life."

Self-reliance can significantly simplify your hectic life. ^^

. . . See you next time . . .

- Seally.Go.Round -

*** Accommodation Information ***

- Interested in staying at NooJo Art and Farm? You can book through Airbnb here:

- If you are driving, take the road to Samut Songkhram. It's not far past Amphawa. You can search for "NooJo art and farm" on Google Maps to avoid getting lost.

- Alternatively, if you're not driving, you can take a train from Hua Lamphong Station to Pak Tho Station in Ratchaburi. The station is not far from Noh Jo Farm. You could then ask Joe to pick you up at the train station, similar to the reviewer who traveled by train:

  • Accommodation costs approximately 500 baht per person, including breakfast.

*** This place lacks the amenities found elsewhere, as mentioned in the reviews. It is suitable for those who are easygoing and prefer a simple, farm-stay lifestyle. ***
