Pipit Banglamphu Street Art
The image is a photograph of a young woman smiling.
Street Art Exhibition and Community Engagement in Bang Lamphu
This exhibition showcases street art and promotes social engagement and community participation in Bang Lamphu. It is a collaboration between the Bureau of the Crown Property, the Treasury Department, the Bang Lamphu Museum, and the Bang Lamphu community. The temporary exhibition can be viewed at the Bang Lamphu Museum from October 12 to December 31, 2018. The street art installations are accessible daily. (Map of street art installations: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1on4oDLnapV-yPfgXMoFy8gXYcxBmdHHu&usp=sharing)
The image depicts a group of people standing in front of a large building. The people are dressed in formal attire, and the building appears to be a government or corporate office.
The Pipit Banglamphu Street Art Project is a collaborative initiative between the Bureau of the Crown Property, the Treasury Department, the Pipit Banglamphu Museum, Socialgiver, ATM Spray, 3C Project, and the Banglamphu community.
Note: The original text is empty, so the translation is also empty.
The image depicts a group of people gathered around a table, engaged in a lively discussion. The table is adorned with a variety of dishes, suggesting that they are enjoying a meal together. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, and the participants appear to be having a pleasant time. The image evokes a sense of community and shared experience.
Pipit Banglamphu Street Art Exhibition: A Celebration of Community and Culture
The Pipit Banglamphu Street Art Exhibition invites ten emerging artists to capture the essence of Banglamphu's vibrant community life, wisdom, and cultural heritage. Through their street art, these artists engage with youth, local residents, and tourists, promoting community-based tourism and contributing to the area's beautification. This initiative serves as a powerful example of corporate social responsibility, transforming the surrounding landscape into an artistic haven.
The image is a photograph of a group of people standing in front of a building. The people are smiling and waving. The building is a large, white building with a red roof. There is a sign above the door that says "Welcome." The image is likely from a social media post.
Contributing Artists
(1) Bang Lamphu Museum "Flower of Life" by Art by Karma "Gigi" Mascot, a rhinoceros doing good from Socialgiver "Exhibition telling the story of the project" by Bang Lamphu Museum and the 3C Project team
(2) Wat Sangwet Wisayaram Community "Suwanna Hongsa Boat" by the 3C Project team and the Bang Lamphu community
(3) The Thaworn-Nivasa-Trokgayjae Community "Costume Embroidery for Khon and Lakhon Plays" by Aniu Rattanawadee Sukapad "Chomoy, the Trace of Men" by the Precious Assets Dissemination Team, Bureau of the Crown Property.
(3) Ban Phan Tom Alley Community
"Silversmiths of Ban Phan Tom" by Nongpop and Jecks Bkk
(4) Wat Sam Phraya Community
- "Old Pier, Wat Sam Phraya Community" by Abi Original, Bang Bang, Darkone Jartown Rga, and Jecks Bkk
- "Gigi Raed Makes Good X Women of the Peninsular Region" by Socialgiver Team and Aniu
- "Sam Phraya Unity" by the Bureau of Valuable Assets Dissemination Team, Bureau of Valuable Assets
- "Cat House of Wat Sam Phraya Community" and "Sam Yaek Rice Porridge with Jelly" by Sneakarette
(5) Wat Mai Ammatarot Community "Singto Wat Mai" by Komkrit Leatwisavakorn "Miss Wisutthikasat" by Him HP
Note: The original text is empty, so the translation is also empty.
In collaboration with the Grand National Treasure Bureau - The Treasury Department, Pipit Banglamphu Museum, Socialgiver, and the Banglamphu Community, we are pleased to present the Pipit Banglamphu Street Art project. Ten artists, each with their own distinct style, showcase the unique character of seven communities through mural paintings surrounding the Pipit Banglamphu Museum. This temporary exhibition will be on display at the museum from October 12 to December 31, 2018.
The image you provided is a photograph of a group of people standing in front of a building. The people are all smiling and appear to be happy. The building is a large, white structure with a red roof. There is a sign above the door that reads "Welcome." The photograph was taken on a sunny day and the sky is blue. The photograph is in color.
The campaign received generous support from ATM Spray.
Deepest gratitude to the following artists:
- Abi Original
- Aniu Rattanawadee Sukapad
- Bang Bang
- Darkone Jartown Rga
- Him HP
- Jecks Bkk
- Art by Karma
- Komkrit Leatwisavakorn
- Nongpop
- Sneakarette
#Reviewsiam #Thainesstothewholeworld #PipitBanglamphuStreetArt #Thaistyle #Thaiarts #BanglamphuMuseum #กรมธนารักษ์ #Socialgiver #ATMSpray #3CProject
More Info: www.reviewsiam.com
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 9:25 PM