Stanislavski’s Story
If you are one of the student who study about theathre and performing arts, name "Konstantin Stanislavski" would be definitely familiar for you.
And for those who did not heard about him before, let e introduce this famous teacher for you.
Konstantin Stanislavski was one of famouse person of Russia due to Theatre Practitioner. He used to be actor and theatre director and also famous acting teacher in 1900. His principal fame and influence, however, rests on his 'system' of actor training, preparation, and rehearsal technique as known as "Method Acting”. Later, his system were wide know in U.S. and continue and adapted by his close student "Lee Strasberg" until he became the role basis of acting system for many famous Hollywood stars such as Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman and Christain Bale etc.
Stanislavski was well known as attentive teacher about teaching and full of love with performance arts. His old house or now had been adapted to be museum called "Stanislavski' House" which maintained his story, many rooms used to be acting classroom, changing room or even small theatre. Even his last minute of life, he still written a book with his acting's technique before he passed away on his own bed.

In front of Stanislavski's House, which used to be his real house.

Stanislavski and his wife, Lilina which she was also known as famous actress.

One of the room that adapet to be a small theatre.

Acting classroom

Old small library which full of rare textbook of Acting's theory and method.

One of his famous student, which still keep his work, photos and some used performance costume.

Stanislavki's own piano which he used this while performed.

Some sample of used performance costume.

Stanislavski and his students.

Stanislavski's bedroom, and this is the room that he spent his last minute of life to wrote a book.

House clock which set as a time that Stanislavski passed away.
Moreover, Stanislavski was buried in Novodevichy Cemetery, which mostly used for famous and important person for Russia.

His tomb at Novodevichy Cemetery, which decorated with theatre curtain.

I spent a lot of time to walk and find his tomb until I found. I did rechecked with his tomb's photo, his birthdate, his name is Russian until I was sure.

This is Novodevichy Convent, next to Novodevichy Cemetery.
Stanislaski’s House and Novodevichy Cemetary, both are located in Moscow and open for tourist to visit. So who had been to Moscow can also visit and say hello to this famous teacher as well.
I also had a video for this trip.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 9:14 PM