After the India trip, I go home and post photos, then many questions come....

Faiiiiiii!! Why India has snow?

Faiiiiii!! Is India this cold?

Faiiiiii!! %&&)(_(_((&&*%%

Faiiiiii!! Is that really India?

Yes, it is... because we are going to India in the fridge ::: F r o z e n I n d i a

Today I'm going to share my travel experience of [[[India in the fridge]]] via the GoPro camera.

GoPro Camera is a tiny action camera that is powerful for memory moments capture in a unique and different perspective like on the water, on the shore, on the jumping modes, snow, or bright sun.

And this is Fai and her favorite GoPro who goes everywhere together, I just love it so much.

P.S. I'm madly in love with this GoPro. It is tiny and handy. It captures every kind of photography. It is perfect for my life style.

And I'm also very impressed with its after sale service of GoPro Thailand.

I've used the GoPro for more than a year now and it's my main camera.

I take her everywhere with me. GoPro never disappoints me.

Equipment used in this trip includes GoPro 4 Silver, Smatree S2 stick, 3 ways stick (OME) , Smatree battery, camera suction cup, and dome.

This review focuses on camera and photography. Travel details and oher things will not be focused so much.

If you have any questions, please contact me, I'm always ready to answer your questions.

Or you can talk to me here.

Facebook Page : Travel Together / Khon Duen Tang

Click Here >>

IG :

Firstly, let me introduce our main character here, Leh Ladakh.

Ladakh is a land embraced by the Himalayas and the Kara Koram highland. It is situated on the Northern India.

Leh is the capital city of Ladakh.

Julley is the word to show friendliness here. It's very nice to have it as we will receive sweet smiles back.

Our itinerary is as follow, we will spend 9 days and 9 nights for this trip (I travel during Songkran festival, from 9-18 April 2016).

Day 1 : Delhi

Day 2 : Leh City

Day 3 : Nubra Valley

Day 4 : Pangong Lake

Day 5 : On The Way

Day 6 : Tso Moriri

Day 7 : Alchi Village

Day 8 : Agra City

Day 9 : Taj Mahal

Delhi and Agra is the additional program as these two cites are in the oven and not the fridge.

Let's focus on our India in the fridge trip at Leh Ladakh (from Day 2-7). Let's go!

The early morning of Sunday, April 10th 2016 at Indira Gandhi Airport, New Delhi,

The passengers travel with Go Air airline to Leh, now that gate has opened (translation into Thai).

Are you ready? Let's get on a flight together...

Trick: This photo I use GoPro stick with the suction cup at the glass and we will get the still photo with Timelapse mode.

For me, taking this flight is the most excited time in my life because of this view. I would be insane if I'm not excited. And this is the greeting from the Himalayas.

Incredibly beautiful, it is so beautiful that I want to cry. I'm not crazy but I just feel so touched.

Well, Leh Ladakh is my most wanted to visit destination in my Bucket List Before I Die.

In fact, I got so excited since when I started to pack food. Am I really going to Leh Ladakh?

Trick: Try to put the GoPro at the cart and give a straight shot

Ok, enough for shopping, now let's go back to Leh and our aircraft is about to land.

“In about 20 minutes, our aircraft will land at Leh Airport, please fasten your seat belts and open the window shades", a beautiful flight attendance make the announcement.

At that time, I didn't know what she said, but probably something like this, hahaha.

Tung....tung....when the aircraft wheels touch the runway, my heart beats fast again.

And when the aircraft door is open, it means "I can grab my dream now".

P.S.1 The review is quite long with so many photos, you can just quickly scroll down for photos. But a small request, please scroll down to the Day 6: Tso Moriri because that is our highlight of the trip.

P.S. 2 The summary, recommendations, and all expenses are at last.

P.S.3 If you like it, you can help me to share it further. For the greatest way of reading this, please go read it in the fridge because here is "Frozen India"

Day 2 : Leh City (Regular Fridge)

How cold is it here? Just imagine that you are sitting in the ridge, but just regular one not yet the freezer.

The plan for today is just roaming around downtown Leh city first and not yet go far because we need to adjust our body to the highland.

Since Leh is quite far above the sea level, the oxygen is very low that simply walking 5 steps can make us tired.

We need to adjust our physical conditions by sleeping. Repeat!!! After you arrive at the hotel, you need to sleep. Do not go anywhere yet, just sleep, sleep, and sleep.

A tiny Leh airport embraced by the Himalayas

Ok, now, let's go to find our hotel. Come on and get on the car together....

Trick: The longer, the better (Pole stick) as we can capture the entire car view. I like to use Timelapse mode that takes photos every 2 seconds.

This is our accommodation, for every night in Leh, we will stay at Sia-La Guesthouse.

The owner is an auntie, She's very friendly and caring about the guests. There's warm water but without heather and the restroom is in accordance with international standard.

It is about 500 THB per person.

After adjusting our physical condition (sleeping), it's time to explore!

The main transportation is hiring the car, the size of the car depends on the passengers number.

The price is very standard, there's no "cheating" price here.

Leh Palace is the popular place that everyone must visit when visiting Leh.

In the past, it is the summer palace of the King of Ladakh.

Staying here, simply looking at the view, I'm already happy. I'm in good mood all my days here.

I'm not insane, but everything composed here just makes me so happy.

Shanti Stupa is another landmark at the center of Leh.

This is the viewpoint here, everything is just so good.

After the visit of 2 landmark here, let's go take a walk in the city.

Lama!!! At first, I was shocked that Lama stand by my side as the monks in Thailand cannot go close to ladies. But the Lama here can get close to ladies.

Well, if it's like that......are you ready? smile.......

Liftsyle of people along the way.

Regardless of how tiring, parents will make sure that their kids have the best possible sleep.

"Parents love is unconditional love", I just love this photo.

Everything in this town is just so friendly, including this doggy.

Trick: Take GoPro close to its face and then the face will be gigantic, looking really cute

This area is called Main Bazar. It is the shopping center of Leh.

Here, everything goes quiet at around 8 p.m. so I will say goodnight with this photo.

Trick: We can also use GoPro for night shots but we have to be very still. It'd be best with the stand.

This photo I use Night Mode / Shutter : Auto

Day 3: Nubra Valley (Freezer)

Today is really cold. It's like we are in the freezer with small lovely snow as well.

Nubra Valley resides many villages and Hunder Village and Disket Village are our destinations for today.

Khardundla Top is the highest peak of the world that the car can run.

Wowwww...everywhere is so white, super cool, is it really India?

Of course, it are travelling in India.

Yeah... there's soft slight snow falling to welcome us. Open the door and I check in by leaving my footprint here to make myself realize that "I'm here now".

The car needs to stop and put on the chain wheel in order to reduce the slippery.

Regardless of how cold it is, the GoPro is still workable, so good.

And finally, we arrive at Nubra Valley with the atmosphere that we can't have in thailand.

The nature has arranged herself in the most elegant and spectacular view.

There's sand dune among the snow mountains with a camel, what is this?

Snow mountains, desert, camel, they don't seem to be able to stay together.

But the photo in front of us.....

Oh my... this is much beyond the word beautiful. I'm really speechless and don't know how to describe. Is it a reality or just a painting? It is just too beautiful and attractive.

This painting is created by the artist called "Nature"

It's quite late now, let's go! Le'ts go to ride the camel, hutcha, hutcha.

It's nice knowing you, the camel, your house is really beautiful, I'm so envy you.

Trick: Before going for a close up photo, you must be sure that it's safe.

The position of GoPro is at almost above our head and no need to pull the pole stick too long.

Little kids in the desert, so cute...

Diskit Village

This village has Diskit Gompa as the temple of the village with the gigantic Phra Si Ariyamettrai outstandingly stand on the mountain as a spiritual refuge for people here.

The place is embraced by the beautiful nature.....No matter where you look, it's just fresh and lovely.

The gigantic Phra Si Ariyamettrai is so sacred.

Trick: I think GoPro can take a beautiful back light photo. We take photo first and add a bit light, it'd be very beautiful.

A Lama and a little cat

Part of Diskit Gompa

And here is our accommodation for tonight at Habib Guest House : Hunder Village.

It is about 400 THB each including WiFi and on and off warm water as well as the local floor heater that need to fill wooden fuel regularly.

The owner also has his own camels.

Day 4 : Pangong Lake (Frozen India)

I've never felt this cold in my life, it's like we are in the freezer of export food.

This place is where I wanted to come so much. Just by seeing previous review, I keep acclaiming....

"Oh my gosh, wow, wow, is it really India? I must go one day" and now that day comes.

Pangong Lake is the largest salted lake in the world.

Is it really salty? That's right... why didn't I try back then....humm...a bit regret now.

Let me show you the view along the way first.

If someone asks me, where is beautiful spot in Leh Ladkh?....

My consciousness and instinct would answer immediately that " every inch here is beautiful".

The view here just keeps you excited along the way. One second you see snow mountains, the next you see rocky mountains.

Let's take a look here.....even this bridge is just so beautiful.

Staying here, my heart beats hard all the time, just like when I fall in shy...

I'm not sure how long I've been on the car....but it's really long...

Finally, we arrive at Pangong Lake.

The first feeling is like someone put an ice on your face, it's just numb with no feeling.

"How come it's so cold?" It is so cold that I want to cry, it is so cold that my nose freeze. Not only is it cold, it's also windy.

But on this painfulness, it's the happiness. When I see this view, I forgot all the cold, just smile as wide as I can.

This trip, we have 4 members.

A guy on the right is a travel expert, he takes very beautiful photos so he's our leader of the trip.

A sister on her red jacket is our senior traveler but this is her first time backpacking, she's so cool.

A sister on black jacket is a starter for traveling, now she's falling in love with travel. She's my best friend.

And a girl in a yellow jacket is me.

Trick: A photo of half water and half land, I use dome to help.

Do not stick with the idea that dome can be used only with the sea or swimming pool.

We can try with new angle and we will have different angle of photo. I take a dome from Thailand just for here and this shot.

Oh Wow!! So elegant, so charming, so fascinating. Although what I see now is yet want I really want to see as I come here on a different time of turquoise lake......but Pangong Lake at this time is also charming in her own way.

It's just like the protagonist of the drama. Regardless of what role she is playing, she's the protagonist, she can always shine her beauty.

At this time, some part of the lake is still covered by the ice.

Isn't it beautiful? Stop reading and start to search for flight ticket and go see for yourself....

Let's go travel while we are still young. Let's not wait further. Let's just explore ourselves. t'll be fun, I promise.

The feeling now is nothing but "it'd be nice to have a boyfriend".

Oh no!!! not like that, I just feel like....."I want to stay here for a long long time"....

The sky is open tonight.....let's see stars together...Did you see that, the stars are shining all over the sky??

This is the award from the sky and the coldest night in my life.

Trick : Night Mode / Shutter 30 seconds / 5 MP medium /Spot Meter OFF / WB 5500K / GoPro Color / ISO 800

All this setting is subject to the condition of the place at certain time, so you can adjust accordingly.

Now you know that GoPro can also take stars shot, but most important helper is the stand and you also need to connect it with either a cellphone or a remote control. (I used to capture the Milky Way with it too, hehe.)

Tonight we will stay at Pangong Inn. This hotel has no heater. We feel so close to the nature and extremely cold.

OMG, I've never felt this cold in my life. With no heater and the blanket is both thick and heavy, I can hardly move.

It is so difficult to take this photo and this is all I can do as it is too cold.

Trick: It is similar to above photo but tun on Spot Meter to reduce the moon's brightness and speed up the shutter.

I'm going to bed now, bye....let me get into the blanket now....OMG, so super cold....

When looking outside the window, we can see the lake view but I forgot to take photo....sorry....

Oh!! It's so dark....Oh!!! The light at the fridge is off now, let's go to Delhi a bit...

While we are waiting for the light to go back on, let's go see photos in Delhi first.

Let me light up the candle now....

How hot is Delhi? Let's just imagine yourself sitting in the fridge without plugging, it is both hot and humid.


Delhi welcomes us with honking. Everything is chaotic, disorder but people are not heartless. Despite driving without rule and cut into each other's lane, no one comes out of the car and fight.

From the airport, we choose to use the taxi prepaid service as it's standard, safe and trust-able.

This green and yellow taxi looks like our Tuk Tuk, here it's called "Rikshaw".

The weather is really hot in this city, it is so hot that our armpit is wet and our sweat is dropping to the ground.

At Delhi, we didn't go anywhere. Just simply wandering around and looking at way of people's lives.

There's a lot of shoe polishers in Delhi.

Trick: When using GoPro take this kind of photos, I recommend to reduce the wide of the photo a little bit (5 MP / Medium).

I want to say goodbye to Delhi with smiles from these two kids.

Now.... light is on.....

Oh yeah!! the light is back on now. The fridge starts to work again. While we are waiting for the warm fridge to become the cold fridge, let's go to Agra.

If we compares Delhi to a hot and humid fridge without plugging in, Agra is like the city sitting in the microwave.

It is so hot that my friends cry, haha.

"I really don't know whether to laugh or feel pity on you", haha.

Trick: This is an unintentional photo, I just realize I have it when I take a look at all photos.


This is the city that locates the wonder of the world like 'Taj Mahal'.

This city also welcomes us with honking and people who compete to sell their products.

The city is not so clean (except the Taj Mahal). It is also a fun city for shopping. You can negotiate the price so much. It is the game of patience between the seller and us of whom to have more patience.

Taj Mahal entrance fee is 510 INR for Thai people.

Trick:Set the camera at almost at the ground position and put yourself near the camera. I think it's quite cool.

The ice starts to form in the fridge now, let's go back to the cold area.

Day 5 : On The Way ((Pangong Lake to Tso Moriri))

The cold level of today is at the freezer.

Unlimited beauty lines up along the way.

The end of the road is our destination but along the way is the story.

From Pangong Lake to Tso Moriri is quite far. So most of today is spent along the way.

Last night at Pangong Lake was so cold. It was so cold that we couldn't sleep (the room without heater). If you ask me whether I'm tired? Sleepy? Of course...

But with this breathtaking view along the way, I can't sleep....the sky is so blue...

Trick: This kind of photo needs a right moment of turning. From the already wide photo from GoPro, when turning, it looks even more beautiful.

Mountains are covered by snow. Its fluffy sparkling whiteness shine against the sunlight.

The entire river has tuned into ice....Oh wow... let me go back to be a child again...

Running on the river, jumping and lying around....This is the river...and I get to run and play on the river.

I'm Elsa. I'm Elsa. Ok, enough, it's time to grow up now...

Oh well!!! time is up now, fun time is up....

Chang La Pass

The highest route towards Pangong Lake. I just get to enjoy for a few moment, it's just too cold that we can't take....

Kyagar Tso

This ice lake is located along the way towards Tso Moriri. This is another tips for our trip. We didn't expect to see, but we get to see it.

This is along the way while waiting for the road to be fixed. It is the Indus River.

Tonight, we are staying at home stay of local people nearTso Moriri. It is the soil house that gives you the perfect atmosphere of Tibetan.

From the rooftop, we can see Tso Moriri, wow.

OMG..... What is more than cold? Tonight, regardless of how beautiful the stars are, I would not go out for photography.

I'd rather hide under the three layers blankets, bye...

See you tomorrow at Tso Moriri.

Day 6 :Tso Moriri

The coldness here is like any kind of the fridge that turn everything into ice.

The peak of this trip is here. The peak of this trip is here. The peak of this trip is here.

Today is our highlight of the trip. It is more than worth of this trip. It goes above all of our expectations.

Beautiful, Elegance, Cold, Attractive

The worth of this trip is here.

The other days are tips.

Tso Moriri is the sister of Baikal Lake.

She is so beautiful and attractive like the number one Bollywood actress. But...why not so many people come for her beauty?

Tso Moriri is the large lake that has tuned into ice and we can run around.

It is located among snowy mountains and sand dunes. It is so large that we cannot see its ends.

At the time, (mid of April) Pangong Lake is second to her beauty.

It is so beautiful...that I'm speechless....I really can't explain it....

You just need to see it for yourselves. It is so worth the long ride. It's more than worthy, in fact.

Next time, do you want to come with me?... I still want to go again.

Today, we will sit on the car for another 230 km. before we reach Leh.

Is it really time to go back to Leh? Can I sit here a bit longer?

Ok, ok, I know it's time to go now.

But before that, here is our little Lama.

OMG, just so beautiful. I fall in love with myself when travelling. I look like a happy girl.

Still here?.....Ok, ok, I really need to go now.

Farewell for now, Tso Moriri, until we meet again.

I really like this feeling.

Day 7: Alchi Village (Regular fridge)

Today is our last day at Leh Ladakh.

Oh no.... I really don't want to leave here. It's like I'm departing from my lover, so exaggerating....

So then we agree to go to Alchi Village. In fact, we don't really have a plan for this trip, haha.

Alchi Village

A small village with blossoming flowers, this village always welcomes lots of tourists.

There's shops along the way, from the entrance to Alchi Gompa.

Zanskar & Indus River Viewpoint

The confluence of Zanskar and Indus River has a clear distinctive different color.

This area is located on the way from Leh City to Alchi Village.

Moon Land

The landscape here looks really like the moon skin. I don't know why everyone stops for a photo at this point....We also did.

Lamayuru Monastery

This temple is grand and elegant. It is situated on a high mountain. When looking down, we can clearly see Lamayuru village, it is so beautiful.

Trick: When taking as a press angle, we can capture the beautiful angle like usual. It's like we are taking the drone with us.

Trick: Put the camera at the center between a person and a view and lean ourselves a little bit down.

View along the way, again....

Trick: I'm still thinking that GoPRo can take excellent back light photos.

This is the restaurant along the way. We can stop by anytime we get hungry.

Having lunch among the apricot trees, it is so romantic.

We bought a lot of Thai snack for the kids at Leh.

But we found the school on our last day and most of our snack are already gone... so sad...

That's alright....I will buy for you guys more on my next visit. Now I have to sad....

I fall in love with you already, Leh Ladkh.

The summary is something like this.

We need to apply for a visa before going to India.

The page owner of Scratch da world has done an excellent job in providing all necessary information.

(I have inbox to ask them several times for information.) Thank you so much.

How to apply for Indian visa:

I also want to thank Leh Crazy page for all recommendations.

Lastly, I'd like to thank Toom Lady First for a lot of nice recommendations.

Thank you so much kha.

How to prepare beforehand??

- Exercise, our body is important, we need to fit our body to get ready because Leh Ladakh is quire far above sea level so it has low oxygen and by walking 5 steps, we could get tired already

- Check the weather forecast so we can be well prepared

- Load, it is an offline map that is very helpful. It could tell us where we are even when there's no cellphone signal

- Check the flights regularly in case if there's any changes

- Prepare some Thai food in case you are not used to with Indian food

- Get some dark chocolate, it really helps charge up our energy

- Study about Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) or attitude sickness, just read some so we know to basically handle it, but don't get too panic as we might not have fun travelling when being too worry

- There, we will meet a lot of friendly and smiley people, it'd be nice if we could give them some Thai snacks.

- There, snack and food we took will get much inflated, this includes cream. When we open the lit, it could fly everywhere so we should put cream into a smaller container.

- Indian Rupee is half than Thai Baht, so whenever we spend, we could just divide it by 2, for example, 100 INR is 50 THB

- There's always static in Ladakh, whatever we touch, it gives out static.

Transportation for roaming around in Ladakh

We hire the car with a driver. There's several size of cars depending on numbers of passengers. The price is very standard as they have a price booklet so no need to worry about being cheated.


There's a lot of accommodation in downtown Leh. There's no need to book in advance, we can just walk in and most of accommodations are in guesthouse style. The price is around 500 THB per night and this comes with great room.

For outside Ladakh accommodations, if we didn't book in advance, we can tell the driver the types of accommodations we wanted, they can recommend to us.


People do not eat meat much in Ladakh. Most of the food are carbohydrates and some vegetables. In average, it is 40-200 THB. Sometimes we eat easy food, sometimes we eat in the restaurant.

P.S. We almost didn't eat in any popular restaurateurs as per reviewed, the same goes to accommodation. We just choose as what we wanted. It's not that we don't want to follow but we just didn't remember, haha.

But we also found some good thing about it. Some restaurants outside of review are also tasty and sometimes they are our taste more than the ones have been reviewed. Going without plan is just so much fun.


This trip we have 4 members and each spend about 29,000 THB (including visa and flight).

- Air Ticket of Spicejet (Bangkok-New Delhi) is 10,329 THB.

- Air Ticket of Goair (New Delhi-Leh) is 4,776 THB.

- Visa fee (2 entries within 6 months) is 2,255 THB.

- Travel insurance is 485 THB.

- The rest goes for food, accommodation and transportation for 9 days, it is about 11,2000 THB.

If you ask can we save more money than this? Yes, we can. But I think sometimes when we save too much, the fun also decreases. Sometimes, if we can afford, it'd better to pay as we do not go out to travel often.

If you have more questions, you are more tan welcome to talk to me at:

Facebook Page : Travel Together / คนเดินทาง

Click Here >>

Last but not least,

Thank you so much to my trip members, this trip is really fun.
Thank you for being part of my dream trip memory.

If someone asks me where is my coldest place in life? The answer is India.
And if someone asks me where is my hottest place in life? The answer is India.

And more importantly, thank you everyone for reading.
Thank you so much for reading until this line, I'm sincerely thankful.
I don't know how to express my thanks via the text, I will give this sweet smile as my thanks to you all instead ^____^

The more you travel, the more you discover yourself.
