...Every year-end, I tend to have a long backpacking plan. Initially, at the end of 2016, I was going to Luang Prabang, Ngoi, and Nong Khiaw.

However, there was a fleeting thought about something I had always wanted to do but never got around to: becoming a volunteer teacher.

I found information on a Pantip forum.

I came across a post by a student http://pantip.com/topic/34875227 and decided to volunteer as a teacher instead. I will be leaving on December 21st and returning on December 27th, 2016.

After an initial discussion, it was revealed that M and their friend had previously taught at this location.

After speaking with Kru Yont, the local teacher, I received basic directions.

Route Summary

"...From Chiang Mai, travel to Hod District. Turn right at the roundabout towards Mae Sariang District. Don't forget to turn right at the roundabout when you reach Hod District. If you reach the intersection to Omkoi District, continue straight until you reach Mae Sariang District. Then continue through Sob Mae District to Mae Ngao National Park - Ban Mae Lui - Ban Na Doi - Ban Um Lo - Ban Sop Khong. Cross the Mae Khong River suspension bridge and enter Chiang Mai Province. Pass Ban Jiew Tha and continue uphill. Look for a sign indicating a left turn at the Doi hill, then turn left and follow the main road. You will reach Ban Kanet Chi Ko. They assured me that following these directions will prevent you from getting lost..."

We will be teaching all elementary school students subjects such as math, spelling, pronunciation, and art.

I have no idea what the house in Kanchanaburi is like, how to get there, how difficult it is, or what the food is like. I know we teach elementary school...

Our travel plan was simple: take a train from Hua Lamphong to Chiang Mai and then rent a motorbike to get to the school.

I have booked a sleeper train ticket with a fan for around 500 baht. The train departs at 10:00 PM and arrives in Chiang Mai around 12:00 PM.

The journey was comfortable, with fresh air and ample legroom.

Upon arriving in Chiang Mai in the late afternoon, I rented a motorbike at Akat, specifically a Wave 110 as the 125cc option was unavailable.

From Chiang Mai, ride along Highway 108 to Hod District. Turn right at the roundabout towards Mae Sariang District. You will encounter a fork in the road leading to Omkoi. Continue straight ahead.

However, as it was approaching dusk by the time we reached Mae Sariang, we decided to find accommodation and continue our journey the following morning, on the 23rd.

On the morning of the 23rd, we had a quick bite to eat and then rode our motorbikes from Mae Sariang to Mae Ngao National Park, passing through Ban Mae Lui, Ban Na Doi, Ban Um Lo, and Ban Sop Khong.

Cross the Mekong River suspension bridge into Chiang Mai province, passing Ban Jiew Tha. After Ban Jiew Tha, look for a sign indicating a left turn at the top of the hill. Turn left and follow the main road. This left turn is approximately 7 km away and is the most challenging part of the journey.

And finally arrived... Fell at half past noon...

Upon arrival, we were in the state you see in the picture. We rode our motorbikes down to the village for 7 km. We met villagers and children, and asked them about Teacher Yod. They pointed us down the hill, and finally we reached the school. Teacher Yod and the children were sitting on a bamboo bed. After greeting Teacher Yod, we were met with the following sentence...

"I thought you wouldn't make it!"

The student informed the teacher that they would arrive by 22:00, but they actually arrived at noon on the 23rd. The teacher responded that they were about to leave the mountain, and if the student had not arrived, they would have already left.

"Since you're already here, let's do it tomorrow then..." 5555+

After drinking water and resting, we went to take a bath. We bathed in the headwaters, and the water was very cold. :] It was refreshing.

After sitting down to eat and chat, we learned that since we were visiting at the end of the month, the teachers would be taking a break from the mountain. This meant that we would be responsible for designing the lessons and managing various tasks until the teachers returned. Each student would have morning and evening duties. Morning duties included watering the newly planted fruit trees, sweeping and mopping the school buildings, and cleaning the school grounds and village roads. Evening duties consisted of watering the plants.

Accommodation is available at the teacher's dormitory (เรือนนอนครู). Meals can be prepared independently or enjoyed with local residents for a change of pace. The teacher informed us that a group will be visiting on December 30th to organize an activity and distribute gifts. They would like us to remain present. A final decision will be made later.

Ms. Josiu, the teacher assigned to look after us.

The teacher then suggested that since they were already there, they might as well start working. Their first task was to write signs.

After a brief social gathering, it was time to rest. zzzZZZ….
Saturday, the 24th, was a day for the children to attend church and some to join our class.

Today, the teacher took us to have breakfast at Mr. Josiu's house. There was chili paste with field mice and field mice curry. The teacher said it was so delicious that he asked for a bag to take it downstairs to eat. This made it very clear...

After completing her shift, Teacher Yod brought us to introduce ourselves to the students. Later in the morning, the teacher left.

The first subject taught today was art, to make it fun and familiar. I taught about color mixing, light and shadow observation, and coloring. When the drawing was finished, I asked the students to show their work in front of the class to practice their expression a little.

Individual contributions.

After lunch, our lessons will end for the day. Then, the students will take you to the waterfall.

The path is decent and close by, but it's still steep for us. The younger ones are very impressive!

Let's take a picture.

After returning, I decided to take a walk around the village to explore a bit.

The village church square is a place where children gather to play.

After showering, I had dinner and went to bed. ^^ zzZZZ. Sunday was a day off from school, so I took the opportunity to sleep in a little. I went for a walk to see how the locals live and went to church. ...

The sight of children singing and running around playfully was truly delightful.

After a while, I walked back to school.

The three little ones ran all the way to school, and here's what we captured! ^^

As a result of cutting my younger brother's hair yesterday, word must have gotten around. Today, many people came to me for haircuts, so I obliged them.

Long hair, short hair, it's not a problem.

Everything up there has passed through my hands.

We decided to stay until the 30th, which required us to call and extend our motorbike rental. This meant contacting the shop again.

"There is phone signal here," Kru Yod told me. "If you need to make a call, ask the children to take you."

Where is it?....Pooooonnnnnnnnnnn!!! Okay, I have to call. I thought I'd call and then go back because the students said the signal was full!!!!!

After a long walk, drenched in sweat, I finally found a signal, but I couldn't make a call. The young men told me to tie the phone to a stick and wait for a signal. It turned out that I really had to tie it...

During the speakerphone call, they sang like a singer... When they walked down, there were tears to quench their thirst... The younger ones were strong enough to hold the camera bag.

After descending, we will take another walk around the village before exploring the headwaters.

As they walked down to explore the headwaters, they saw the students still performing their duties as usual, even though Teacher Yod was not there.

Upon descending, I encountered a team joyously showering. I captured several images, but I will only share a few to avoid any potential concerns regarding their appropriateness.

Led by Sommai Kapu, the team explored the headwaters, reaching a wide clearing where Sommai took a moment to demonstrate his water-drinking skills.

After eating and showering, I saw Teacher Yod's schedule before going to bed.

The first day of school was shrouded in thick fog. Nestled in a valley, the village was completely obscured by the dense mist, which resembled steam billowing from a humidifier. The air was frigid, making the experience even more surreal.

Every day, students line up and perform various stretching exercises.

After a brief introduction to the basics of communication, we moved outside the classroom to engage in conversation and get to know each other better. As we were still unfamiliar with each other's names, we decided to create personalized name tags to facilitate introductions.

Let's take a solo shot with our name tags on.

Every meal includes an omelet with chopped Karen chili and sukiyaki dipping sauce.

The kitchen of the teacher's dormitory is as you see it. It is permissible to light a fire, using either charcoal or wood as you prefer.

A quick photo before class! 555+

Today, I brought the lower elementary class down to the lower stream classroom. Today, I let the students make cards, which they had never done before. They were very focused, as you can see. Two other young men also came to watch. The atmosphere in the classroom was one of talking, drawing, coloring, and eating snacks. It was fun and felt good in a different way. ^^

...Now, let's see your work. :]

I instructed young children to draw their own houses on a village map that I had sketched earlier in the evening. I then called them one by one to discuss their pronunciation of simple words that had been assigned as homework, noting any improvements. Older children were taught more complex topics, including mathematics and critical thinking.

Both groups have demonstrated increased confidence, awareness, and positive self-expression. Their classroom participation, including vocal inflections, has shown significant improvement. We are truly pleased with their progress.

Every night, villagers gather at the school building to watch TV, turning it into a makeshift "community cinema."

This fun time can be seen as a period of time. As for Sundays, boxing will be shown additionally during the day ^^

Before going to bed, I would record my journey, adding more each day. Tonight was a bit special, as I asked the children to teach me some local dialect. It turned out that not only did the children gather around, but I also learned many words, some spoken clearly and some not so much. 555+

The handmade New Year's cards, in addition to this card, also contain pictures of the children's dreams of themselves in the future. Some want to be teachers, soldiers, and some even want to be turtles! ^^ ... They also tell their friends about themselves in the future.

"Go for it and make it happen, kids!"

Sweet dreams tonight zzzZZZ..

Every morning is the same, but the students are no longer ashamed.

Before entering the classroom, I informed the students that today would be our last day of class together, and that we would return on the morning of the 31st.

My heart sank when Teacher Yod first told me to stay until 30. I thought it was a long time, but now that the day has come, time has flown by faster than I thought.

The classroom was packed with students today, and we taught them to the fullest. The older children were still working on math problems that were a bit complex.

Similar to elementary school, today there are many math problems to solve. Those who have finished can help teach their friends. I emphasize teaching the thought process rather than just giving the answer. Those who finish early will be asked to explain their thinking and spelling.

This morning, there will be a teaching session. In the afternoon, we have agreed to clean the school grounds in preparation for tomorrow's event, where a group will be distributing gifts.

While waiting for the school building to be cleaned, some students were painting their faces, while others were having fun taking pictures with my camera.

Let's see how skilled our students are. 55555++

The pirate tiger is here.... 55555+++

Ready, team!

We participated in a fun cleaning activity where we lined up and scrubbed the school building together.

At nearly three in the afternoon, another teacher here, Khru Nai, came up to prepare for tomorrow. ...

Hipsters are here too. 555++

Behind the scenes, he looks so professional and charming. Wait a minute!!!

The children must really love cameras... Their smiles bring true joy. ^^

The graduation ceremony is over.

That's all for today. I'll go talk to Teacher Nai first. :] This morning, I had breakfast with Teacher Nai, who brought his family to visit the school. Thank you very much. :] I ate a lot.

Following the flag-raising ceremony, it was announced that there would be no classes for the day and that everyone would be participating in a village clean-up. As a result, a large number of students were present, and a group photo was taken.

Afterwards, they went to clean the village together.

As I followed the children, their grandmother greeted me. We conversed through a local villager who translated for us. She inquired about my return date.

I took a picture of it, as you can see.

We walked all the way to the entrance of the village and then wondered how we got down here. Will we be able to go back up tomorrow?

Around 10:30 a.m., there is a lunch break at the school. The lunch is prepared by older students who help to feed the younger ones. I found out that this happens on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Before eating, there is a recitation to acknowledge the value of the food.

Hello :]

The village sports field is a popular spot for sports enthusiasts, with sepak takraw and football being the most popular choices. The locals play all day long, even under the scorching sun. I couldn't resist joining in the fun and showing off my skills, which left me with a deep tan. With an upcoming competition at the end of the year, the youngsters have been practicing more frequently. Badminton is another popular sport, played until late in the evening. Even with limited light, the players' skills shine through, forcing me to use my flashlight to keep up. Their energy and enthusiasm are truly inspiring.

Undeterred by previous experiences, I yearn for another waterfall adventure. My companions assure me of its exceptional beauty and proximity (again, with a chuckle).

"Teelosu, Teelosu" We cut through the forest, crossing streams. When we came across this ivy gourd, my younger sibling plucked it and gave it to me, saying it was edible. I ate it right away, and it was bitter! In the end, they told me to scrape off the green skin first ^^" It was still bitter though....

We have arrived, but there are still many more floors to climb... Another group went up to wait above, and when we followed them, they said we had to go further. Don't believe that it's close, and don't believe that it's easy to get there. 55+ Let's take a look behind the scenes... Climbing the steep slope like a cliff face, the students are re-energizing themselves with... a mixture of tamarind, sugar, and salt.

After showering, he came out to help the teachers and the group who came to organize the event...

As previously mentioned, today our team will be hosting a New Year's event for the children. The event will include activities such as an outdoor movie screening, a gift exchange, and a catered meal. ...

The villagers and children have arrived.

The teacher came in the afternoon today, full of energy.

Some students went to the kitchen to prepare food, the menu was crispy noodle stir-fried with gravy. Another group helped with the lucky draw and made quail egg coconut pancakes. The students helped each other with great enthusiasm and determination.

During our break, when everyone had food and was watching a movie on a screen powered by a generator, someone asked...

"Will Teacher's Day come again?"

I hesitated for a moment and then said...

"I haven't been here for a long time. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, so you won't see me."


The children unanimously stated that...

He then stepped back to take pictures of the children.

...Everyone thought we were here for a long time, but on the last day, "Time flies faster than we thought..."

The night before, the teachers and students sat together and talked. The team came from Samut Prakan and had been there many times before. The next day, they would fast again in the morning. It was nice to meet you.
On the last day of 2016, around five in the morning, we woke up, took a shower, and packed our things. We planned to leave early in the morning to catch the bus back to Chiang Mai in the evening.

The darkness and fog decided to let there be light so they could see their way out of the village of Kanetsuki - Mae Ngae - Mae Sariang - Chiang Mai, a distance of over 300 km.

... We, Kruyont, Kru Nai, and Khun Josiu, had a long conversation ... about our experiences on this mountain before Khun Josiu invited us to their home, offering us a large bag of fresh chilies, dried chilies, and a beautiful hand-woven bag ... Thank you very much ...

This morning, we didn't capture any images due to the low light conditions. Around seven o'clock, we set off on our journey, passing by a campfire where we briefly greeted some young people.

... The weather was as you can see, heavy fog, not much visibility, but I felt like I had better control over the motorcycle. ... The 7 km that were said to be tough, on the way back it took just over an hour to reach the suspension bridge ...

Upon arriving at Ban Sop Khong, we stopped to refuel and rest the car, and had some water... We also chatted and washed our faces. We stopped here on the way here as well. :] Thanks Jub for the photo ^^

And then continue the journey.

Leaving Mae Ngao, stopped for lunch in Mae Sariang, and continued on to... finally arrived!

Arriving in Chiang Mai at 5:00 PM, my friend returned to Bangkok, while I continued to Kamphaeng Phet to visit my rural home. The journey took me from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM on a motorbike. This concludes my volunteer teaching experience. We'll talk more about the trip later.

"Who knows if we'll have the chance to do what we're doing today again in ten years?"

I appreciate the visionary words of Brother Chu, which state that

"Life can be divided into two categories: things we must do and things we want to do."

Our responsibilities include our careers, education, and anything else that contributes to the well-being of ourselves and our families.

The ideal scenario would be to find a career that aligns with one's passions and interests. This would create a win-win situation where work becomes a source of enjoyment and fulfillment.

Being a teacher in the mountains... I truly admire the teachers' dedication. _/\_

Though brief, the experience profoundly shifted my perspective, fostering a newfound clarity and simplicity.

...Indeed, I hope that these young people will develop their thinking in a positive direction. At the very least, they should return to create positive things and bring pride to their families and develop their villages...

I will develop the photos and send them to Teacher Yod, and also make New Year's cards for the students to return. Seeing pictures of myself tomorrow, next month, and in the years to come, I will probably think of each other and smile. Or if one day I come back to read this post, it will be a good memory for us to continue.

...It would be beneficial to improve the lighting system in the sports field and around the school.

And if the projector doesn't require a generator, it can be powered directly from the battery, eliminating the need to transport fuel from below to generate electricity.

This time, I would like to express my gratitude to...

Yong, Chuchart, Pheng, Ek, Bai Fern, and Gib ...

For writing instruments and other items.

Teacher Yod and Teacher Nai, who have trusted and given us the opportunity to do what we set out to do.

Mr. Jo Siu and his family, who are like caregivers.

Kapoo, Kapo, Kanjana, Nattapol, Withuyo, Tetada, Dameu, Prawit (Don't take the teacher on a long trip again), Suchart, Sommai, Narong, Kittinan (The naughty one), Kulnat, Asuni, Prani, Nhopo, Pisit, Boonthawi, Supol, and all the villagers of Kaneciu Kee.

The faculty seniors who organized the New Year's party.

The Q, a steadfast companion for this arduous task...

"We are gifts to each other... this New Year..."

I'm sorry, I can't translate this phrase. It appears to be written in a non-standard or informal language that I am not familiar with. I would need more context or information about the language in order to provide an accurate translation.

Contact Kruyont at 083 320 7968. If you can't reach him, it means he is in the mountains. Please call between the 25th and the end of the month.

Feel free to chat with me. :]

Theeranit Photography

Facebook page of NitVigator

The writing was completed just in time for Children's Day 2017.

To those who call me "teacher," Happy Children's Day. Grow up to be a good adult. :]
Come tell me stories again... Thank you..
