"Pha Daeng Luang"

The first time I saw this place was from a travel page in the middle of the year. I was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, where is this? Why is it so beautiful?" I'm a traveler, I've read a lot of reviews, why don't I know this place? I've never seen it before.

So that day I went to find information and found out that it is located in Mae Ping National Park, Lamphun Province.

"Wow, I missed such a beautiful place." That day I called the officer to ask for details.

The answer is that they allow us to go up after the rainy season, we have to wait until the end of November.

"Wow, half a year." Well, let's wait.

And then wait, wait, wait, be patient, wait, and hope that no one will know.

"Don't be famous yet. I want this place to be new, as natural as possible."

"I don't want to have to compete for photos with anyone. I don't want to encounter chaos."

"I want to enjoy nature, beauty to the fullest."

And finally, the hope came true. We are the first group of this year.

To open the forest, open the path to the Pha Daeng Luang viewpoint.

Which is a viewpoint that I think is the most beautiful sunrise viewpoint in Thailand that I have ever seen.

Even though the sky wasn't fully open when we went, it was still stunning. The view is worth hundreds of millions.

It's so beautiful that I don't know how to describe it. It's very good for the heart.

Let's get to know "Pha Daeng Luang".

Many people have heard the name Pha Daeng Luang, they must be wondering, where is this place? To be honest, I don't know either. 55+

I just got to know Pha Daeng Luang in the middle of last year from a travel website page.

That I happened to see it in passing, but it caught my eye and heart so much.

"Hey, what's so beautiful?" The first review I found even called it the Switzerland of Thailand.

But I won't compare it to anywhere else because every place has its own charm.

The Pha Daeng Luang viewpoint is located in Mae Ping National Park, Lamphun Province.

That's right, Lamphun Province. Many people must think like me, Lamphun Province, what is there to do? 55+

Close your eyes for a moment... Use a filter...

555+ I can't think of it. But the famous ones are Phra That Hariphunchai and Mae Ping National Park.

Which I am somewhat familiar with, but few people know that in Mae Ping National Park,

It hides a place with such beauty, a view worth hundreds of millions like this.

Let's see what tourist attractions Mae Ping National Park has.

The main tourist attractions are shown on the map.
The most famous ones are Kaeng Ko, the floating school (from the movie "Think of Science"), Ko Luang Waterfall, and Tung Kik.

To reach Pha Daeng Luang, you need to take a 4WD vehicle from Tung Kik. You can stay overnight at the Tham Yang Wee campsite.
In the morning, you need to take another 4WD ride for about 1 hour and then hike for about 1 kilometer to reach the destination.

Now that we know where Pha Daeng Luang is, let's talk about how to get there. For this trip, we had a group of 15 people, so the easiest way was to rent a van.

If you don't have your own transportation, are traveling solo, in a small group, or as a couple, it's recommended to take a bus to Li District, Lamphun Province. From there, call the park officials to arrange a pick-up.

The cost of the pick-up can be discussed directly with the park officials. I'm unsure of the exact price, but they mentioned they would pick you up if you arrive by bus.

It's important to note that access to the Pha Daeng Luang viewpoint requires prior contact with the park officials.

For contact information, you can reach Mr. J, the head of the unit. He's friendly, kind, and funny! Don't hesitate to call him at 093-1308439.

This is Mr. J, who took great care of us throughout our trip. Thank you!

To ascend to Pha Daeng Luang, you must spend the night at the Mae Ping National Park Ranger Station at Km 12 (Tham Yang Wi).
You can only reach the station by 4WD vehicle or by motorbike.

For 4WD transportation, you can contact Mr. Je. The price is as follows: 5 people - 3,500 baht, 6 people - 3,800 baht, 7 people - 4,100 baht, and 8 people - 4,400 baht.
Mr. Je limits the number of passengers to 8 per vehicle due to the challenging terrain.

From the ranger station, you will need to take another vehicle to reach the campsite.

We need to take a 4WD vehicle to the Mae Ping National Park Protection Unit at Km 3 or Tung Kik.
The name is really tempting to visit, haha.
Because it will be the last point that ordinary cars can reach. Beyond this point, we will need to use a 4WD vehicle.

At Tung Kik, there are both guesthouses and clean restrooms. You can even spend a night there for fun.
Or you can use my method: go up without taking a shower and then take a shower down below. Haha.

It's really called Tung Kik.

The journey to Pha Daeng Luang takes 2 days and 1 night. If you stay that long, you might get fired! You'll have to sleep in a tent because the accommodation is being renovated. But don't worry, it will be comfortable when it's finished. If you don't have a tent, you can rent one for 250 baht, but if you go with a large group, you can get a discount and pay only 150 baht. You can also rent a sleeping mat for 30 baht and a sleeping bag for 20 baht. It's a great deal for a million-dollar view. You'll have to sleep in a tent like this. If you know how to set it up, please help the staff.

However, there is no electricity here, and there is no mobile phone signal. But I think it's good, we can fully enjoy the time with nature.
As for the bathroom, don't worry, there are 2 bathrooms, you can take a shower, there is water to use, the bathroom is very good.
It's like a sitting toilet, just need to flush the water yourself, that's all, there is also a spray hose.
It's okay for sleeping in the middle of the forest like this.
As for food, you have to cook it yourself, but the owner has 2 stoves for us to borrow, you have to bring your own charcoal.
The fun part is here, my group had a barbecue party, because the car can reach the tent site, it's easy, haha.
According to the original plan, we were going to go to Lamphun city in the morning to buy things and worship Phra That Hariphunchai.
But because we left Bangkok late and made an appointment with the boat at 9:00 am, the van driver estimated that we would not be able to make it in time.
Because if we go to Lamphun city, it seems like a detour, and we have to drive back down for more than 100 kilometers.
So we changed our plan to go to Li district in the morning.
We arrived at Li district around 7 o'clock, and we stopped to eat and buy supplies. Our dinner menu today is barbecue, hehe.
When we saw that the car was accessible, we went all out, even though we were sleeping in tents, haha.
We stopped to buy vegetables and other necessities, spoons, paper cups, drinking water.

The morning market in Li district has almost everything you could need. Come and find what you're looking for here.
Oh, and if you're buying pork, don't forget to bring a foam box, or it might spoil before you get home.

There are many shops, including a 7-Eleven.

We have all the necessary equipment, so it's time to get started. From Amphoe Li, we will head to Mae Ping National Park. The road is uphill and has many curves, so be careful if you are driving yourself. However, the road is in good condition. Our first destination today is the Mae Ping National Park headquarters, where we will meet with Mr. J. Upon arrival, Mr. J will guide us through the park and explain the routes we need to take.

We purchased our park entrance tickets in advance to save time. The park staff was very helpful. They suggested an itinerary for the day, including which attractions to visit and the order in which to see them. Our first stop was Kaeng Ko, where we took a boat ride to enjoy the scenery and visit the original floating school from the movie "คิดถึงวิทยา." Kaeng Ko is located about 20 minutes from the park headquarters. It was much more beautiful than I expected. The photos I saw online during the dry season made it look barren, but when we visited, the water level was high, and the surrounding area was lush and green.

The boat driver explained that the water level in this area is heavily influenced by the release schedule of the Bhumibol Dam, making it unpredictable based on the seasons. The water level can fluctuate significantly depending on the dam's operation, rising when the dam is closed for extended periods and falling when it is opened. This unpredictable water level makes it challenging to establish accommodations in the area, as the tourism season can be short and unpredictable, leading to potential financial losses.

Upon arrival, the group of 15 enthusiastic individuals took a記念撮影, capturing their excitement for the adventure ahead.

It's time to set sail. Let's go!

Ready to go! For a large boat like this, the fixed price is not expensive, only 1,800 baht, which is just over 100 baht per person. Smaller boats are also available.

Another unexpected sight was the stunning view on the way to the floating school. Let's take a look at the scenery along the way.

After a short ride, we arrived at the Reuan Pae School, the setting for the movie "Think of Science."

Teacher Song has arrived! Is Teacher Anne here? 55+

It was eerily quiet... 55+

Well, we came on a Saturday, so both teachers and students had gone home. 55+ There was no one around.
Only cats and dogs were guarding the campus. They came running to play, probably excited to see people after a long time.

Here are the real teachers and students of this place. If you want to donate or visit the children,
please come on weekdays or call the teacher in advance. You can contact them at this number: 087-1799506.

We didn't call to let you know we were coming, so we missed you. Let's take a look at the atmosphere at the raft school. The round things on the floor are people, haha!

The Pak School has received a lot of support and now has almost everything it needs. After walking around for a while, we decided to head back. Before leaving, we took a memorable photo.

It's time to go. Teacher Song is leaving now. Teacher Anne 55+

They say the view on the way up is beautiful, but the view on the way down is even more stunning! 55+ Let's take a look at the pictures.

The round trip took about 2 hours. We arrived back around 11:45 am, so we had lunch at Kaeng Koi. There are many riverside restaurants here with a great atmosphere.

After finishing lunch, which took us until past 1 pm, we hurried to our next destination: Khao Luang Waterfall. The drive took about 30 minutes, followed by a 400-500 meter walk. Due to rainfall a few days prior, the water wasn't its usual vibrant blue, as shown in the picture.

Those who want to play in the water can do so, but they must wear a life jacket, which costs 20 baht each.
Our group had two brave units that jumped in and got soaked. The water was a bit cloudy on the day we went.

After a short break, we had to move on as we had a 4WD appointment with Brother J at 3:00 PM. However, we were almost half an hour late, and Brother J almost went home. Thankfully, he waited for us. We apologize! Upon arrival, we transferred our belongings and changed vehicles.

It's time for an adventure! Let's go!

The initial section of the path resembles a forest trail, with a gravel surface and overgrown vegetation.

Riding along, taking selfies, sometimes fierce, sometimes playful.

There is a hole here that caused the bumper to make a loud noise. I thought it was going to break.

We just kept taking selfies. 55+

After a four-wheel drive journey of approximately one hour, we arrived at the Mae Ping National Park Ranger Station at Km. 12 (Tham Yang Wee).

This is our campsite for the night.

There are two bungalows currently under renovation. The restrooms are located on the bungalows and are clean. There are two toilets that resemble squat toilets but require manual flushing. A water hose is also available. Overall, the facilities are satisfactory.

Upon arrival, the staff recommended a nearby scenic viewpoint called "Kao Noi Viewpoint".

It was about a 500-meter walk, so we decided to check it out before the light faded and we set up our tent.

Kao Noi Viewpoint offered beautiful views.

Let's take a picture of the pig. We're crazy, taking pictures all the time. 55+

The seating here is arranged in tiers, like a movie theater, offering stunning views.

After enjoying the view and taking some photos, we had to hurry back to help the staff set up the tents, as there were many of us.

Please note that there is no electricity here, so please bring flashlights and other necessary equipment. There is also no mobile phone signal.

The tents were set up just as darkness fell, marking the perfect time for dinner. We had brought along a special treat: a delicious barbecue feast. We dug in with gusto, making the most of this delightful meal.

After dinner, we sat around and played games for a while. I recommend you try it out, it's hilarious!

The game is called "3 Words". You sit in a circle and someone starts by thinking of 3 words and whispering them to the person next to them.

Don't let anyone else hear, and you can only whisper once. Once everyone has heard, the last person starts guessing the words.

If someone guesses wrong, they have to do a dare. Then the person who got it wrong starts a new round.

Try it out, I think it's fun!

After hanging out for a while, it was time for bed. Oh, another highlight of this place is the stars. There are so many stars here,

maybe because we came during the waning moon, so we could see them clearly.

We could even see the Milky Way with our naked eyes!

But none of the cameras we had could capture it. We only had our phones and action cameras.

One of the guys on the trip had a big camera, but we'll have to wait for the pictures. Let me write a review first.

Now for the main event, the highlight of the trip, going to the Pha Daeng Luang viewpoint.

To get to the viewpoint, we had to wake up at 3 am, wash our faces, brush our teeth, and by the time we were ready to go, it was almost 4 am.

From our accommodation to Pha Daeng Luang, we had to take a 4WD for about 12 kilometers.

The road was pretty rough, with constant uphill climbs, but not too steep. It was bumpy and full of potholes.

And our group even hit the jackpot, the car got stuck in a mud puddle!

No wonder P'Jay told us to wait until after the rainy season, because if the road is wet or damp, it's all mud and very difficult to get out.

We had to push the car together since 5 am. It was a real struggle! 55+

To make matters worse, only one car made it through. 55+ So, Brother J decided to let the other car wait here and cook breakfast for us.

There were 15 of us, including the staff, so 16 people crammed into one car. Oh boy, I hope we don't hit any more potholes, or it's going to be bad.

But we made it through because only that one section was wet and muddy.

After driving for a while, we reached a parking spot. From the parking spot, we had to walk for about 1 kilometer.

It was a gradual uphill climb, not too steep, so everyone could walk it.

We arrived soon after, just as the morning light was breaking. We were lucky, the sky wasn't completely overcast, but it wasn't completely clear either.

Plus, since it was the end of the rainy season, we were treated to a sea of fog. Let's take a look at the pictures.

At that moment, I started to worry. What if the sky was overcast? We had come so far and worked so hard to get here.

If the sky was dark and the weather was bad, it would be a disaster. But we had come this far, so we had to wait and see. I asked the guide to stay a little longer.

And then, the heavens opened up. It may not have been perfect, but at least we started to see some sunlight shining through the clouds. I have to say, it was absolutely stunning.

The golden hue of sunlight reflecting off the water's surface is a breathtaking sight.

Cool angles are here too.

As time goes by, every minute, the images we see will change continuously, each with its own unique beauty.

At that moment, these images truly captivated every breath.

Gradually brightening, bit by bit, becoming more beautiful with every passing second.

Time changes, even in seconds, the image changes little by little.

The brighter, the more beautiful.

This is the Pha Daeng Luang viewpoint, one of the most beautiful sunrise viewpoints I have ever seen.

The scenery is truly breathtaking. The pictures do not do it justice. You have to see it with your own eyes to truly appreciate its beauty.

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And this is the origin of the name "Pha Daeng Luang". If you walk down a little further, there will be a point where you can look back and see the cliff where we were taking pictures.

It will be red like this. It's so beautiful.

Unseen Thailand: Pha Daeng Luang Viewpoint, Mae Ping National Park, Lamphun Province

A breathtaking sunrise viewpoint, ranked among the most stunning in Thailand.

A group photo with a stunning view. One of the best things about this place is that it's not well-known yet.

On the day we went, we were the only group there.

This allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in nature and take some amazing photos. 55+

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The breathtaking natural beauty was short-lived.

The view was obscured by thick fog, making it impossible to see anything.

Fortunately, the fog cleared after a while, allowing us to return to our vehicle and drive back to the spot where we had been stuck in mud earlier that morning.

The park rangers had kindly prepared rice porridge for us, demonstrating their exceptional hospitality.

Rice porridge was our breakfast.

Eating it in the middle of the forest, 55+.

This trip seemed like it would be a relaxing getaway, but it turned out to be a bit tiring.

We all got sore bottoms from sitting in the car for so long, and we even had to push our cars through some rough terrain.

We had to sleep in tents without electricity or phone signal.

But we also had a lot of fun playing games and spending time with our friends.

We laughed a lot, even at the corniest jokes, and we all got funny nicknames.

And the views were absolutely stunning. This trip was definitely good for the soul.

It was time to go home, and we said goodbye with a group photo of our crazy gang of 15.

They really made this trip so much fun.

And I want to thank Ranger Jay, the head of the Mae Ping National Park, for taking such good care of us throughout the trip.

See you again in the next review.

