
Note: The original text only contained HTML tags and no actual text to translate. Therefore, the translation only includes the opening and closing <p> tags, resulting in an empty paragraph.

Still in the town of Twizel, a small town on the way from Mtcook to Lake Tekapo.

The city is home to filming locations for Lord of the Rings, and there are tours available. However, based on the photos, it seems that a tour is not necessary, as you can visit the locations on your own. The tour simply provides flags and costumes and takes you to the filming locations, which are now just mountains and fields. I drove around the area myself and saw the locations, but I was not able to enter the fields. The city is very quiet, with only about 5 cars passing by per hour.


I went to take photos around 4-5 pm. The atmosphere was beautiful, the water was very beautiful, but it wasn't clear, but it was beautiful. It was water that came from melting ice.



This city offers little in the way of exciting activities, making it ideal for quiet, hipster, and art-loving individuals. Notably, the city is remarkably clean, with virtually no visible litter.



If it weren't for the need to go back and cook, I would sit here for a long time.


Nearby dams

Map of Pukaki Canal
