Hello everyone, Pantip friends... I'm back again to take you on another journey in my life that is impressed with the chosen destination. This time, I'm heading to Laos, our lovely neighbor. The destination is Vientiane and Vang Vieng. And for friends who have never been there before, I would like to share this album with you in case anyone wants to travel to our neighboring country.
.. Or if anyone has been there before, just think of it as looking at the pictures I brought back as a souvenir. Just look at them and have fun. ..

...As mentioned earlier, this trip covers two main destinations in our neighboring country. Therefore, I would like to separate it into 2 albums. This album will present the images of various important tourist attractions within Vientiane that I have visited. The next album will be about Vang Vieng, a dream destination for many, both those who have been there and those who are considering going. ...

...Most of my photos will focus on tourist attractions, along with some small tourist information that is not too overwhelming to read. But there will also be some substance to absorb through my photos and perspectives. So, without further ado, let's embark on our journey together.

- Beautiful sky in Vientiane .. Falling in love in Vang Vieng .. (#2 Falling in love) http://www.pantip.com/cafe/blueplanet/topic/E13113590/E13113590.html

...After Bangkok Airways launched a new flight route from Bangkok to Vientiane recently, with the desire to try something new and seeing that it was close to home, I decided to give this airline a try...

...Starting at Suvarnabhumi Airport, after completing various tasks, loading luggage, and checking tickets, we headed to the Bangkok Airways lounge. The walking path is very pleasant. I picked up my camera and took some pictures here and there, capturing the atmosphere inside the airport.

...In the morning, around 7 am, people were bustling about. This flight was scheduled to depart at 8.15 am.

...I walked on until I finally reached the Bangkok Airways lounge. The first thing I did when I arrived was to head to the Khao Tom Mat, which is rumored to be delicious. And it was true, as I had heard. I had four pieces, which was just enough, because there were many other dishes to choose from besides the Khao Tom Mat.

...This picture shows the general customers waiting to board their flights.

...And due to the restlessness, the adjacent area of the lounge will be separated for Business Class customers. I asked the staff for permission to take a picture of this, which overall, the BC zone area is smaller than the general customer zone. The decoration is also different, with a simple and comfortable design that is very pleasing to the eye.

...We sat around for a while until finally the journey began after being picked up by a car and dropped off to prepare for boarding the plane.

...The sky this morning is beautiful, but there's no time to compose the angles... because there are so many passengers traveling with me.

...After boarding the plane, Bangkok Airways played a video for us to watch. I watched it for a while, but then I couldn't help but look out the window. I was mesmerized by the beauty of our country's landscape from the sky, which I rarely get to see.

...The lower right-hand picture is particularly interesting, but I don't know where it is in our country. The view from this angle of the high cliffs is quite beautiful. I still believe that sitting by the window is always the best way to get beautiful pictures when flying. This is another example of that.

...It takes about 1 hour to travel across the Mekong River to Wattay Airport in Vientiane. The first destination is Wat Si Muang, one of the most popular temples in Vientiane.

...Before heading to Wat Si Muang, I passed by a small school and decided to stop and take some pictures of the little ones. Some were busy cleaning the schoolyard, while others were riding their bicycles, seemingly oblivious to the world, lost in their own fun.

...The innocent sparkle in a child's eyes is something that is always present, no matter what their nationality. When you are a child, the joy, the cheerfulness, the happiness, or anything else, even for those of us who have passed through our youth, sometimes we forget how happy we were as children when we got a piece of candy or just got to play something we liked.

...And then we arrived at Wat Si Mueang around 10:30 am. ..

...The original Si Muang Temple was once the site of the main pillar of Vientiane, and most Vientiane residents often come to make offerings to ask for what they desire.

... and it's not just Lao people who come to worship the Goddess Si Meuang. Foreign tourists also like to pay their respects and pray for good luck.

...Visitors often make wishes here, as legend has it that whatever they ask for will be granted, except for matters of love.

...And finally, for Wat Si Muang, this picture was taken in the late morning when the blue sky beautifully complements the golden temple.

...After spending some time paying my respects, I walked around taking photos of the different corners of the temple grounds. The temple is not very large, but it is always crowded with tourists and Lao people who come to worship. I then continued on my journey to the Pha That Luang...

...The Emerald Buddha Temple is the place where the Emerald Buddha was once enshrined. The Emerald Buddha is currently in Vientiane, but only the throne where it was enshrined remains. This is because the current Emerald Buddha was invited to reside in Bangkok during the reign of King Taksin the Great.

...No different from other temples, the Emerald Buddha Temple is also a place where foreign tourists are interested in visiting to admire its beauty. Although it is no longer a temple today, many Thai tourists still come to pay their respects.

...The reason why the temple is called Wat Saen is because King Chaiya Chettha and the Lao Buddhists in the past built both small and large Buddha statues and enshrined them throughout the temple, totaling 100,000 statues. Although there are less than 10,000 statues remaining today, this temple still has the most Buddha statues in Vientiane.

...The temple's interior features a main hall where visitors can pay their respects and worship. Similar to the Emerald Buddha Temple, photography is not permitted inside. Despite this, there is still a steady stream of tourists visiting the temple.

...After spending some time paying respects and taking photos inside, it was time to leave and find a restaurant to refuel.

...the atmosphere of the streets and roads in front of the Emerald Buddha Temple and Wat Si Saket

...Upon arrival in Vientiane, there are still many interesting places to visit, and one of them is That Luang.

This is considered an important religious site in the capital city of Vientiane, and more than that, it is also a symbol of unity for the Lao people across the country.

...The day I traveled, the sky was beautiful. It may have been cloudless, but the brightness of the sky was very comfortable to the eyes... In reality, the color of the sky may not be as dark as this. I have intensified the color a little more to make the picture more interesting when the dark sky contrasts with the bright golden pagoda.

...People who respect the journey to worship a lot. The heat of the afternoon sun did not reduce the faith of the people even a little. .. At this angle, I had to walk around to take pictures of the surrounding area instead.

...around the four sides of the stupa. Tourists can come to pay their respects at all sides. Each side has steps to climb up to pay respects, lay flowers, and garlands... However, most people prefer to worship at the front entrance of the stupa.

...waiting for a long time for this picture in front of the pagoda

...a brief moment devoid of both locals and tourists who come in tour groups ... The sunlight that shines down hits the incense smoke, which gathers together. Not only is the smoke clearly visible, but it also serves as a testament to the power of faith, which we can easily and always find wherever we go.

...And finally, a wide-angle shot of the Phra That Luang, devoid of people...

...We will embark on a journey to the highlights of Vientiane by continuing to Patuxai...

...Patuxai, also known as the Victory Gate, was built as a monument to the Lao people who sacrificed their lives in the wars before the communist revolution... The magnificence of the Victory Gate, when experienced up close, reveals its true beauty and grandeur.

...On a bright afternoon like this, choose a good angle facing the dark sky, you will see the majestic Arc de Triomphe standing tall, welcoming tourists and Laotians alike, and is considered another symbol of the capital Vientiane.

...The surrounding area is decorated with green lawns, especially in the evening, it looks even more shady... This corner is decorated with various national flags, just the right amount... Creating a colorful and interesting atmosphere that is even more eye-catching.

... The architectural style of the Patuxai in Laos was influenced by the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. However, it also incorporates distinct Lao architectural elements that are prominently displayed.

...When looking up, you will see an epic Ramayana story depicted on all four walls above the arched doorways.

...In addition, we can also walk up to see the view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe.

...The ascent to the top is a spiral staircase that goes up and up. Each floor has shops selling souvenirs to tourists. Looking up from below, it may seem high, but when you actually walk up, it's not that tiring. This is because there are doors and windows along the way that allow the wind to pass through constantly.

...for a fee of 15 baht per person, which is considered very worthwhile for the opportunity to experience the wide-open atmosphere of Vientiane.

...One side is a steel grating blocking the window. After considering for a long time that it would be difficult to insert a camera through it, I decided to take a picture through the steel grating to the bottom to see the pattern of the Buddha statue. It also created a beautiful image.

...On the other side, it is an open space. Looking down, you will see the surrounding scenery, which is very pleasing to the eye.

...After spending a long time, they sat down to play by the fountain below to rest their legs for about 5 minutes. ..

...The bright sky and sun shining brightly on the fountain, decorated with bright red flowers around the pool, plus the clear sky, gave me an impressive picture.

...concluding the image of the Arc de Triomphe. As you can see in the picture, the surrounding area has been arranged as a garden, which is not allowed to be entered. However, there are still benches around the area for tourists or anyone who wants to sit and relax, letting the evening breeze blow by, which is no less enjoyable.

...I myself sat and played around to wait for the afternoon light to soften a bit more, to prepare for taking pictures of the sunset.

...Joe's Bakery... This bakery's cake is so soft and delicious. It's the perfect place to relax and enjoy a cold drink in the air conditioning before heading to the Mekong River to watch the beautiful sunset over Thailand.

... The houses along the Mekong River that I walked past, this one tells us that it is no different from our houses that have the national flag planted in front of the house, to show the land of our birth and our home. ..

...And when I walked a little further, I finally reached the banks of the Mekong.

...The golden light of the sun shines down on the water, revealing sandbars formed by the receding water level... This corner of the Mekong is even more beautiful with large trees spreading their branches and leaning down towards the river.

...Around the area now, tourists are starting to come and ride bicycles, walk around more and more, waiting to experience the evening atmosphere.

...The sun, once one, became two as it reflected itself on the water below...

...The image is painted in a golden yellow color with a white balance in the camera, adding a little more emotion to the image.

...As the water level has receded, it is possible to walk down to the bottom. Concrete steps have been built at intervals from top to bottom for the convenience of tourists and villagers. This angle has its back to the sun so that the rocks and the boat receive the light.

...before the back is the tranquility of the water and the sandbar before seeing far away that is the side of our house itself

...Old, unused shipwrecks that are still abandoned on the banks of the river, along with images of ships that still appear to be in working condition.

...I chose to make this scene the foreground of this picture, with the background being the life of the villagers who have the Mekong River as the lifeblood that has sustained them through the past and into the future.

...During the evening by the Mekong River, I usually stand on the side of our house. Therefore, the pictures of the evening light sometimes may not be as prominent as they should be. But today, standing and looking from the opposite angle when the sunlight is in front of me, it gives me a different picture from the ones I used to take.

...The water level of the Mekong River is not very deep in this area. Some tourists walk down to the sandbar in the middle of the river and wade across the water, just like the tourists in this picture.

...This picture clearly shows that the dry land during low water on a small area has become a playground by default.

...The children in the picture must be happy running around, just like us watching the sky gradually change color.

...The sun dipped behind the large trees in front of our house, leaving only a faint glow that still shimmered slightly above.

...Peace gradually warmed the heart slowly... From the original bank of the Mekong River, I would only see the sun rise from the Lao side, but today I saw it from the opposite angle. Of course, the impression is different.

...Standing in silence, washing my ears of all the sounds that have passed through them all day long... This is the quietest time, and I am alone with myself. Thinking about things, seeing the beautiful sights that are not often seen in city life... It still brings a lot of happiness to our eyes and hearts.

...The light that shoots diagonally above the sky in front, if you hurry to look through it, you may not see it clearly with the naked eye ... But when you stand still and try to look closely for a while, you can see it clearly and beautifully before recording the image as the last image of this evening.

...This area is a night market with a wide variety of goods for sale. There is a designated area along the Mekong River for walking and relaxing, and the atmosphere in the market is similar to that of our own country. ..

...Both Laotians and tourists spend their time strolling and shopping for clothes, pants, souvenirs, bags, etc.

...Before going to bed, I opened the pictures I had taken throughout the day, and I stumbled upon this one that I took after the sun had already set. All that was left was beautiful light, with villagers, boats, sandbanks in the river, the lights from our house, and the moon, which is always beautiful no matter which angle you look at it from.

...The new morning sun returns to give light once again.

...Many aspects of life are not much different from our neighbors... Perhaps the only difference is the location.

... Faith, belief, and happiness are still things that people of all nations and religions continue to practice regularly.

...From east to west, every locality has its own beauty, with its own unique characteristics.

...This brings us to the end of our 50-photo album of Vientiane.

...with the image of villagers sailing past... The golden light from the sun shining on the water and rocks creates a warm feeling for the eyes at the beginning of the day... Before today, I will put the camera down for a while and take my time to go to the next destination.

...The sky of Vientiane during the trip may be cloudless, but it's replaced by the brightness of the sky instead. Thank you to all my friends who stopped by to see the pictures. This trip is not over yet. See you in the next post at Vang Vieng District, you can follow this link http://www.pantip.com/cafe/blueplanet/topic/E13113590/E13113590.html

...Comment 51 Mailza2 - I myself also put effort into taking every picture, giving it a little more time before pressing the shutter. That's all... ^___^

...Comment 52 by Papiyong - Thank you very much.

...Comment 53: "The rock at the top of the mountain - Seeing this makes me miss it. I hope you get to go back again."

...Comment 55 by pchamaip - Thank you very much.

...Comment 56 by Artiste - You can find time to travel and follow in their footsteps.

...Comment 57 Travel around - After collecting data, you have to travel as well.

...Comment 58 by fuji_fancy - If we can travel together, I have no problem. I'm always happy to. ^___^

...Comment 59 by balleazy7749 - (The photo is so beautiful, what camera did you use?) I used a Nikon D7000.

...Comment 60 tu_ehub - I feel the same way... But I don't know what inspired me and in the end I was impressed again

...Comment 62: Jaew Bong, so spicy! - I'll try to follow your journey...Comment 63: nainick - Thank you for your feedback. I'll try not to include too much information, as it's easy to find and there's a lot of it... So I'm presenting different perspectives and ideas that might be helpful to my friends... Thank you very much, nainick...Comment 66: Coconut by the sea - When I was taking the photos, I was sometimes relaxed, sometimes hot, but looking at the photos, you look relaxed, Mr. Coconut, right? 555

...Comment 67 Hinode - There are a lot of people traveling. Travel safely.

...Comment 68 by Female Meien - Thank you.

...Comment 69: Shin-chan has a sweet face - It's true. What I've seen before doesn't compare to seeing it with my own eyes.

...Comment 70 123 (Lightning God) - Thank you for the score. As for the pictures, some are wide and some are narrow.

...Comment 71 Creatrips - Thank you very much.

...Comment 72 by rukthai99 - I use a normal zoom lens 24-70, a wide lens 10-20 (I don't have a fisheye), and a telephoto lens 70-300. It covers all ranges. When I carry it all, it's very heavy... But when I get the pictures back, it's worth the effort. I'm rooting for you.
